Thanks all for the tips. I finally did get this to come off. I used my heat gun to heat it up for a while, sprayed some PB Blaster wherever I could, and tried the filter wrenches again, when I tried the claw type wrench it pierced the filter causing oil to leak out. So after this I drove a hole in the bottom to get all the oil out of the filter. Heated it up one more time, and then used the heavy duty metal strap wrench again, this time though I lined it with a piece of left over trailer bunk carpet so that the rubbery side could grip the filter. This extra grip finally allowed me to get enough torque on it and loosen it up, and I was able to get it off. I have no idea why this one was so stuck, I always make sure to put fresh oil on the seal, but who knows, maybe I missed this step last year?? Thanks again