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About EKoselny

  • Birthday 03/01/1976

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Rochester, NY
  • Home Port
    Manitou Beach Marina

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  1. I was out last weekend in an 18' bassboat and it was even tough getting that out, but I was able to make it. I don't think you're going to get anything much bigger than that through the channel. You can get past the first sand bar by staying way to west side of the channel, but the two sand bars between the 2nd and 3rd channel markers are only a little deeper than 1' deep. I would try Sandy Creek
  2. We were out Sunday from 6:00 till 11:00. We were marking lots of fish in 80 to 140 ft of water, and bait all over the bottom from 75 to 90 ft. Lot of marks anywhere from 80 to 110 ft down. From the number of boats in the area, others were fishing these marks as well. We managed 3 kings and 1 brown, lost 3 others. It was tough to get them to bite, but the ones we did catch were big.
  3. Maybe this is what you are looking for?
  4. Check out some of Captain Pete Alex's videos on using Torpedo Divers. He attaches the diver on the leader end of the copper, not on the backer end.
  5. Interesting, Can you please share the part #?
  6. I bought one this year as well. I was sick of having buy new flares every 3 years and then having a box full of expired ones. They are super bright, and hopefully will never have to use it.
  7. I was out yesterday in a 21' fiberglass boat. There are 3 sandbars in the channel where I have to trim all the way up in order to not dig through the sand. The west side of the channel is better, but its still not great.
  8. EKoselny


  9. EKoselny


    RIgged cut bait, he is in Spencerport. Search on here for "cut bait" and you should find a post with his contact in it.
  10. Looks like a Renosky Chatter Stick. I think they got sued by Z-man so I dont know if they make them anymore. I see a lot coming up on EBay
  11. Thanks all for the tips. I finally did get this to come off. I used my heat gun to heat it up for a while, sprayed some PB Blaster wherever I could, and tried the filter wrenches again, when I tried the claw type wrench it pierced the filter causing oil to leak out. So after this I drove a hole in the bottom to get all the oil out of the filter. Heated it up one more time, and then used the heavy duty metal strap wrench again, this time though I lined it with a piece of left over trailer bunk carpet so that the rubbery side could grip the filter. This extra grip finally allowed me to get enough torque on it and loosen it up, and I was able to get it off. I have no idea why this one was so stuck, I always make sure to put fresh oil on the seal, but who knows, maybe I missed this step last year?? Thanks again
  12. I am on my second weekend of trying to remove the oil filter from my Mercruiser 5.0L. Should be pretty simple, but for some reason this season it just does not want to come off. I am on my 4th different style of oil filter wrench and I just can not get it to budge. I guess my next step is going to have to be driving a screwdriver through the filter, but I am worried this is just going to tear up the metal filter leaving me with no options left. Does anyone have any other tricks up their sleeve to try? Also, if I cant get the filter off this year and decide to try to defer to next spring, can I still fill the engine with new oil and not have it all drain out next year when I do get the filter off? Or can I remove the oil filter and not loose the oil?
  13. This is the cable I used to replace the cable that came with the original unit. It works great https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003FVYXY0/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  14. IF you pull the safety pin on the bottom of the unit you should be able to turn the steering wheel and the drive unit will turn with it. If the steering is easy doing this then you know its the drive unit causing the problem
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