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May 4, 2010
Last visited
June 20, 2023
Haha Chad....Team Ortho knows how to get 'em!
At the last Chautauqua Tourney, my same buddy nailed a 47" the night before, which was his first ever too. I think next year, I won't let him fish until Saturday!
Tight lines!
My buddy and I got a few between Friday and Saturday, just not during the tournament.
Here are two nice ones from Friday. We got them on consecutive passes through the same school of perch. The big one spit out a couple of 4in perch while we brought her in and the smaller one had a bulging belly too.
Since we didn't have any fish to enter on Saturday, we stayed out and got this fattie at 4:30.
I look forward to next year's tourney!
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Reels sold. Thanks Chinook Chaser!
Ok, sounds good.
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Pending to Chinook Chaser. I will update Thursday night.
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Sounds good. I sent you a message earlier. Thanks!
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I have 2 Penn 330GTI reels for sale. They are in excellent condition and work great. I replaced the drag washers in both reels two seasons ago and upgraded the handles from the squared off style original to them. I relubed them this weekend, so they are ready to go. I will remove the braid that's on the one reel.
I am located in Rochester and prefer local sale. $50ea.
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
We raised a bunch of fish in the afternoon, but only managed a 21". The fish behaved very weird. Had a few follow in the baits and open their mouths slightly, almost like tasting the water behind the baits. We observed one roll on its side under the bait to get a better look at it. Kind of reminded me of a dolphin. All fish were very lethargic.
Sent from my SM-G925V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
What boat did you have it on?
What model are the smaller Penns and rods?
Edited original post with new price...$60.
I was down there on Saturday and got 3...the largest was 39.5" I checked the Three Rivers FB page and here are the results from the tourney:
Chautauqua Team tournament results 2015
28 people signed with 13 teams total 29 legal fish were caught with 3 sub legals
1st Dave Fec & Joel Morrow 7 fish 45.75, 41.5, 34.5,34.5, 31.75, 31 & 30" 2nd Mark & Kyle Lewarchik 4 fish 44, 41, 31, 31" 3rd Mike Coyne & Dave Hummerich 35.5, 34,34,33.5, 32.5"
Big Fish Joel Morrow 45.75"
Thanks to all who came out and supported the club! Our next tournament is August 22nd on the Allegheny River. Stay tuned for more information.
I've been down here all week and today the weather was pretty much as forecasted. There were white caps on much of the lake...pretty miserable day.