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Everything posted by tonyb

  1. I support the reduction at this time, better to be safe. There was certainly no shortage of bait or salmon out there this year...but what about next year, or the year after...I think that is why there is a sense of caution right now. And for people saying it was TERRIBLE fishing this year...just go out to the West Coast where these fish are actually from originally....we may possibly have better fishing than they do.
  2. Just thought I should check to see what you meant by this statement...If the goal is to ease pressure on the forage base, you would want to invert Pen and Direct stocking numbers. e.g. Increase direct stock #'s lower Pen reared numbers. Pen reared fish have twice the survival rate of direct stocked and will be larger in size at same age compared to direct stock fish.
  3. Some thoughts...obviously overlooking all the 'Heritage act' or 'Clean Water act' that would be non-starters on Laker elmination and nutrient boosting. Lake Trout reduction to 15-25% of current level immediately and until population is so limited they are a rare catch (Match stocking to angler interest generally speaking) Atlantic Salmon...How is this still a thing? Take the Lake Trout Reductions and put toward boostsin Brown and Steelhead numbers (These trout hit up Alewives less than Kings and Lakers) Boost Nutrient load drastically in the lake to bolster the foodweb from bottom up and feed those skinny Alewives! Manage Alewife population boom years with temp King/Coho increases (these mouths expire in 2-4yrs unlike the Trout) Start tracking Alewife spawning success since that is the time to base a decision on future stocking plans (not after multiple years of year class losses) My $0.02
  4. What a slob of a Brown oh my! they are beautiful fish...love the stories too. It's a tough list to crack, that's why they are fish of a lifetime goals. So far just 2 Kings on the wall of fame 33.76lbs and 36.72lbs both grand prize winners in the Great Ontario Salmon Derby. The first one took almost 7 weeks to catch, with only 2 day left in the 2009 derby. The bigger one, and still my official PB Chinook came just about an hour or so into the start of the derby in 2013! Work done by Advanced Taxidermy...they look like they were taken from the net and hung on wall...incredible work. I was close with a 29lb Lake trout a couple years ago. But no huge browns or bows over 15lbs ish The chase continues! [emoji4]
  5. It has to be a lifetime fish bigger than the weights below or a major prize winner (weight doesn't matter) to go on the wall of fame. Chinook over 40lbs Brown over 20lbs Laker over 30lbs Steelhead over 20lbs
  6. I gotta say, what an incredible fish! My goal has always been a 30, can't imagine a 35! Probably quit fishing for them, you won't beat a fish like that easily wow. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Back-to-back COLD winters has changed their migration pattern is my guess. No shortage of fish in the lake, just not West of Toronto...
  8. An Autotether, Auto-inflateable PFD and PLB are good starting presentations. Then worry about the fish safely 1 rigger and 1 diver is good, then double-up whatever is producing.
  9. Agreed, but getting home at 10pm on a weeknight the last thing I want to do is clean a fish lol Rarely keep anything for this reason, but occasionally I'll take a cooler out filled with ice and go find some ho's and bo's...just not during the GOSD hehe
  10. Decided to get away from the swarm of boats out in front of Bronte and head east to an area that looked good earlier in the week. Setup on a really nice scumline with tons of bait in 150-170fow. There was also some extreme currents at depth with good temps, seemed like a good mix of variables to entice a beast. And it did...just the wrong type, picked up a decent Laker. Also a small king about 4lbs. As the sun set I slid in a bit shallower as the temps were still decent, but didn't move a rod. Back out tonight. Tony
  11. 42-44 as I said the temp profile has changed drastically over 48 hours.
  12. Another tough night on the water, covered 80-150 fow and avoided the skunk finally with a 31.7.................... ....ouncer! just at dusk Water has flipped compared to Tuesday with a drop of about 5 degrees in surface temp out front (68 down to 63). Still so much bait out there, it has to turn on soon! Back out tonight...could this be the day? Tony
  13. Headed out after work hoping the East wind wouldn't have made the lake too bad, it was fine but you had to have a larger heavier boat to maintain some kind of control out there. Nice night for a boat ride, but the first Skunking of the GOSD for me Covered 130-200 and did some searching as well...so much bait! so few fish Back out tonight weather permitting Tony
  14. Tough fishing...6 fish biggest just under 20lbs to show for about 25 hours of angling effort over the 2 days. Hoping either my ability or the fishing improves soon...I am hoping it's just the fishing Back out tonight!
  15. Hot spot and MC Rocket artificial cut bait Kawi.
  16. Headed out last night in beautiful conditions! Been a while to be on the water in the evening without nasty lake conditions. Started in a bit shallower than on Monday and worked my way out. There is still significant visibility issues in shallower, so I kept heading deeper. Great looking picture out in 200 fow with bait and numerous large hooks, must say the picture is looking better all the time out front of Bronte. Getting them to bite was a different story... Ended up the night 2 for 2 (4lbs & 19lbs) with the better fish hitting near sunset making for an enjoyable battle, and honing my solo fish landing abilities just in time for the derby kickoff tomorrow. Best of luck to everyone in the Great Ontario Salmon Derby! Tony
  17. I hear ya tlr...most weeknights I will be fishing the western end of the lake so my fingers are crossed lol.
  18. Oops meant June 29th...just realized that... Decided to go check out the lake after the nasty weekend on Monday. Noticed on the way out that the water was mud everywhere and temps were warm, 55 top to bottom all the way out to nearly 200fow where I found the break in the mudline and temps. Ended up finding some hooks down deep 160down, and went 2 for 2 on little guys with hotspot & mc rocket before heading in. There were quite a few smaller hooks in the upper water column, I am guessing bows and cohos...didn't bother targeting them. Looking forward to the GOSD, see you on the water!
  19. What he said...I find myself towing the boat far from Bronte in the summer in order to get into good fishing for Kings. The Ministry is looking at reallocating stocks to try to revive the western end of the lake as it's degrading year over year pretty bad.
  20. For a while we thought it was an old boot of a king, it was peeling line out but just not at the same rate as a king would...long steady lazy run. This was caught chasing the fall migratory run of Walleye on the Bay of Quinte and was part of a double-header. I thought the one I landed was big...you can see Aaron is still fighting the other beast hehehe They certainly do battle, in their own unique way
  21. Know you guys can appreciate this...27 and change! Had to stop the boat and clear lines! Unofficial Ontario record
  22. I was out Fri and Mon night. A couple shakers and the odd high-teen fish for me...no 20+ Kings out of Bronte yet this year myself Also no real pattern, picking up random fish at different depths and speeds, keep changing things up until you see something catch more than 1 fish in under an hour hehe
  23. I went the same way, west, due to warmer surface temps...but I didn't see anyone hooking up really, certainly no extended battles...unless they were all pretty early. Was quite the sunrise, with the moon setting at the same time I'll be back out searching, trying, hoping, for 1...really...BIG...King Tony
  24. Nice, same thing, a scattered bite for me on Saturday...no size. Did you fish East or West of Bluffers?
  25. I was out on Saturday, ran across to the Spit and got setup, then all of a sudden about 50 boats raced by me...must have been the port credit derby. I managed a few shakers and one about 14 lbs, but that's it! what a struggle... When the results came in from that derby, I saw that only 3 of 52 boats boxed their 3 fish, a handful more got one or 2, and about 35 boats were skunked...when will it turn on? Tony
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