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Everything posted by mikerp

  1. Wow. Great work. What date was this? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. Finders keepers , great story. Not a boring day at all. One question, what is the "fence" thanks. Mike
  3. Great fish fish hunter. Mike.
  4. What a story! Gottta agree Olcott is great fish town. Local folks are great.
  5. Steve great report... Daughters catch a lifetime memory!! Mike
  6. Thanks Steve. Great report.
  7. Steve....need an update on ur fish journey!!!!
  8. Good work. Nice fish. Keep the reports coming...how are the water fleas. I would like to get my boat out there but the fleas drive me nuts. Would u say sufficient kings have arrived? I almost would rather fish steel if they are out over deep water.
  9. Great steelhead....! 18 lbs, Wowsa!!
  10. Very interesting thread. I think king fishing on Ontario is such great fun. Wish I could spend the whole summer there. I go to the west end every spring , last two years in mid June have been slow for me but have hit it hot. Olcott is a great fish town in my opinion. This year once I went home the bite started. I want to get out to Mexico bay this August....waiting for the fleas to dissipate. There are so many invasive species challenges to a healthy lake. Too bad alewives are a main forage now...versus smelt...alewives are unstable and lack reproductive nutrients predators need. On lake Champlain , where I fish it can't grow big fish, of any species. Your steelhead 10lbs plus blow my mind. As I understand it about half of ur kings now are natural....great accomplishment...by somebody.
  11. Thanks gentlemen. Great news.
  12. How dense are the fleas in the Oswego, little salmon, big salmon area currently. Does the density decline in late August in mexico bay? Time for the migrating kings to get there, right? Thanks .
  13. Would like to know about Mexico bay and area myself...as to when the fleas go away if they do at all in August.
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