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Everything posted by J&J

  1. I like The Rada Sharpeners they look cheap and they are but they work have them in the boat,camper,house and at work. They are quick and easy and if it goes for a swim no big deal
  2. Dont forget basic tool kit even a multi tool can get you out of a pinch
  3. Take a look at Penn Squals nice for the money bought 3 last year
  4. Give Joey Baker a call Baker boat repair 585 993 4900 probably real busy now. Very fair price and good work
  5. Try to find a manual downrigger used then start looking for some Sutton 44 spoons they slay lakers down there.Fish them a few feet off the bottom at less than 2 mph.Try a mag dipsy later in the summer they will get the depth your looking for. Good luck beautiful lake ....
  6. Do the 9.8 4 stocks have a charging system if so does anyone know how many amps they put out?I have had honda's in the past and been pleased but they are expensive
  7. Thanks Hope you enjoy it as much as we did talk at five
  8. No allready have new boat thanks
  9. ttt
  10. Let me see if i have some or i can take some tomorrow all the cushions are still in plastic from the factory. We took all the cushions out when it was new. Thanks for looking
  11. Make a great X mas gift
  12. If you havnt looked at a coal stove or furnace lately you should . We put a coal furnance in last winter and cant believe i heated with wood so long much less work and way more heat.Keystocker all the way
  13. ttt
  14. To the Top
  15. Upgrading to a bigger boat. This 18 ft Trophy is in excellent condition. Always store indoors and comes with: Soft top with never used curtains 135 Mercury Opti Max Honda 8 horse 4 stroke high thrust Moor Sub troll Humminbird 898 Troll control for kicker Cobra Marine VHF radio Hydraulic bay star steering 2 Walker electric down riggers 2 -18 in Bert track with ratching rod holder 2 interstate batteries with slector switch Custom cock pit and mooring cover Big Jon planner board mast Rear Jump seat- never used Full cuddy cushions- never used Porta Potty 2009 Karavan Trailer with swing tongue New bearings and Radial tires Safety Package Fresh water only $20,000
  16. Take a look at System 3 i have used it to build wood strip canoes many times.Its a little cheaper than West you can get it On line or at Woodcraft.
  17. Use 2 hole saws on one arbor put the larger one on first then the one that matches your existing hole the inner will guide.had the same problem installing a hyd helm last year.
  18. Rick thanks for putting this out .My wife has been looking for sun glasses for 2 years now and could not find anything small enough for her.We spoke to Mike over the phone and he said he would spend the time to find her the right frames and boy did he after 2hrs of trying frames she got a pair of Maui jims that look and feel great!!! Customer service yea APlus in my book plus a discount shop local its good for everyone. Thanks J&J
  19. I found some small swivels that go thru the eyes then tie on 50lb braid to another coast lock swivel for the diver.Make sure that whatever line you use is a little shorter than your poll.Try it you will like it
  20. oops sorry, life is GOOD to many hours in the sun
  21. Fishing Report J&J at the OAK Your Name / Boat Name:J&J HOOKED UP ============== TRIP OVERVIEW 22 HITS 16 BOATED ============== Date(s):7/5/11 Time on Water:7am-6pm Weather/Temp:sunny/80 Wind Speed/Direction:clam to crap to light breeze to crap Waves: less than 1 built to 2 Surface Temp: Location:oak LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): 24 line =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 22 Total Boated:16 Species Breakdown:1 brown, 2 lakers 1 steel, 12 kings Hot Lure: white green dot SD/ hammered TG white nuclear SD/ atomic S Trolling Speed: 2.8 Down Speed: 2-2.25 Boat Depth: 120- 170 Lure Depth:80 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Day started out trolling east at the 24 line and found a hot spot and kept trolling east then west getting fish both ways. Only took one king on the rigger 85 down on a DW 42nd spoon. Everything else was on wire 250 out on a 2 setting. Good size fish with only one skipper. The Kings were from 8lbs to our first major of the season a 25lbs screamer! Closed out the day with sore arms and smiling faces. We will be back Thurs., Fri, Sat. Thank God for a wife who loves to fish and vacation. ====================
  22. We use black walker 107s we couldnt get a rigger bite going but the wire was hot
  23. We fished the Oak today and did 15 Kings all in 125 - 170 fow water temp was 60-65 down 70 to80 feet . All on wire out 250 on a 2 setting Right know dont sweat the temp thing just fish your screen and have fun!!!
  24. Fishing ReportJ&J at the Oak Your Name / Boat Name:J&J HOOKED UP ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):7/1 Time on Water:8-4 Weather/Temp:Sunny/ 72 Wind Speed/Direction:west Waves: 1-2 Surface Temp: 63 Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): 24-27 =============== FISHING RESULTS We started the day with the laker 300 on the wire with a homemade fly. 3 kings -one on the rigger down 135 and two on the wire with a green dot big weenie and a green dot doctor.Two steels using the glow frog and the white stinger down 125. a brown with the weenie. Another King using the greasy chicken 76 down on the rigger. The other Kings were with pink alewife and white spiny and ultra black glow. =============== Total Hits: 14 Total Boated:13 Species Breakdown:9 KINGS 2 STEEL 1 BROWN 1 LAKER Hot Lure: all over Trolling Speed: 2.5 Down Speed: 2 Boat Depth: 170/300 Lure Depth: 70/100 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ====================
  25. Welcome to the site,We met on the dock at the Oak.This being my Wife and first year fishing lake O started slow and with the help and pointers from you and john and the folks at Capt cove we had a great season!!!
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