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Everything posted by Steelman
This baffles me as well. I live right here on the river, have my whole life and see these divers reports every year. Some of it I would say is they just hit a hole at the right time, found a deep hole holding fish while other areas of the river is void of them. Its just the way it is, a group of fish run the river together and your in them or not, until later in the season there is run after run and river is great fishing from one end to the other. Then there are the people who rely on the salmon run for there annual income, I would not be saying the fishing sucks if I was in there shoes. With the number of fish that were at the hatchery this past weekend is quite pathetic for this time of the year, Friday one holding tank had salmon in it, Saturday it was said two were full to capacity and then the monday report on here saying only two were full still is small potatoes, and to my knowledge they have not processed a single salmon up to that point. Friday there was one employee on the grounds that we seen, I wanted to ask if they had a percentage idea on how many of the fish they had in holding were steelhead as well. There has been quite a few caught already and today as I understand it the Brown Trout are doing fairly well right now too.
This is what I have noticed that a lot of people keep saying and using to support there ideas. QDM is not Quality Horn Management. QDM is quality deer management, and that mainly consist of balancing the herd with the habitat, balancing the doe to buck ratio and balancing the age class of deer. Look at a QDMA statement “…is a management philosophy/practice that unites landowners, hunters, and managers in a common goal of producing biologically and socially balanced deer herds within existing environmental, social, and legal constraints.†Look at Pensylvania game commission and the reason behind the QDM program, it was solely to balance the herd and the eco system, in order for hunters in PA to go along with this plan they raised the age class of the deer in PA woods and it gave hunters bigger horns. This did not happen overnight. Look at all the PA hunters that bought up land and leases in NY because of this. At camp 4 different groups of PA hunters bought up or leased up hunting land all around us. It was quite a few years before they started to see the impact of PA's management plan and still these guys all come here to see deer. Antler restrictions are not QDM. With that said the land in NY is so diverse its very easy for some of you to say shoot the doe you damn meat hunters. Well guys I am fortunate enough to be able to reside in northern NY and have a hunting camp in Southern NY. Here at home we dont get doe permits issued because the herd is under capacity. For some up here and for good reason shooting a doe is frowned upon and only legal during bow or Ml season. You guys on over capacity land may not understand this until you spend some time up here deer hunting and not seeing deer every time you enter the woods. Many among the community also like horn hunters but with does have a let it walk policy. For example a doe that has twin fawns year after year, people identify certain markings like a scar etc and share that with family, friends or others in the area. If a doe is dropping two fawns a year and we are under capacity it just makes more sense to let these walk and kill a buck. LIke I said before I hunt mainly for meat, I wont tell you its cheaper or any other excuse other than I like venison and so does my family, The mentality has changed a bit for us northern guys having areas to hunt in a decent populated deer area down south. That change is from the season date changes. The desire, need. passion, hunger what ever you want to call it is nulled a bit knowing we can go down south and harvest a doe earlier in the season and get some venison in our freezers. This has led some of us into letting younger age class bucks walk and not taking a doe with bow or ML. If you live up here this opportunity has been well received for some. So what Im saying is QDM is not antler management, antler restrictions are not going to help everyone nor is it good state wide. Stick Antler restritions in N.Tier and you will see more does taken in an already under capacity deer population. If it was at capacity or above you would see doe permits being issued. The NY state deer herd is so diverse some guys just will never understand who are in an area that is over capacity they see what is in front of them and not what is everywhere in the state. Now how in the heck does DEC manage any kind of restricitons on a state wide basis, and how do they micro manage as well. Just in one WMU alone certain areas may be just about void of deer and then the big farm or little city down the road 20 miles has deer eating themselves to death. I dont want to call it selfish cause it just sounds wrong but I dont know how else to explain the desire for Antler Restricitions, You may want it to better last years buck, show off to your friends, maybe the challenge alone of hunting one particular deer, a picture in a magazine of you holding a state record I just dont know but its not right, fair or even sportsman like to determine your way is the only way or the better way for others to abide by. There are enough laws, taxes and stuff crammed down our throats that we already have to deal with as a tax paying land owner in this state let alone for some wanting or telling us we cant harvest a deer we deem fit thats within the current laws we already have.
The hell with antler restrictions is what I say. I am a meat hunter first and foremost, and before some of you roll your eyes I will hunt for does to first and hold out for a better age class buck. Does this always work, well for the most part yes but there have been a few years where a 1.5 year old buck met the freezer at seasons end. I have nothing against trophy hunting and the desire to put a wallhanger down. But I will tell you its not my right nor anyone else to make others hunt your way by restricting them to antler restrictions. It not only takes the heritage away from our sport and turn it into a horn brigade of look at me wannabes and forces everyone to hunt your way. Plus it will also create much more illegal harvest and poaching. The best course of action I believe to please both sides is limit it to a one buck rule. With it being a two buck state many will take that first buck and then hold off for the big boy later. If your a meat hunter its still your choice to put whatever age class buck you want in your freezer, if your a antler hunter then you can hold off for your horns. You put a one buck rule in this state and you will see more doe harvest and less younger class bucks taken. Everyone wins.
Most all those salmon in the hatchery had to all come in friday night and into saturday. I gave a tour friday and only one holding tank had salmon in it and it wasnt stuffed and the gate was locked on it, all the other tanks were completely void of fish. Few fish in the brook and a few in the ladder but nothing to write home about. The group I took spent a good half hour to get a picture of a salmon jumping the upper ladder gate. The lower ladders maybe had a dozen salmon total in them.
http://www.oneidalake.com/ The maps are neat, for example click on the Dining tab and a map will show up with Icons for the places for a bite to eat or a drink.
Well I picked up two of the fenwick jigging rods and new reels, always been a fenwick fan but they outdid themselves with this series. Pricy but if I lock them up they will last me till Im in a casket. Next some of there new Rigging Rods and line counters.
areyounuts no problem, just hate to see anyone get sent to shore or a ticket.
Different size and limit on different bodies of water. A total different class of walleye from Lake O to Oneida.
Hey Miss em did the sheriffs stop you Sunday? They were all over the south shore launch area and made me head to shore to show proof of registration because stupid me left it in the truck. WIth that said Mooseknuckle be sure to meet all the coast guard regulations so you dont get sent back to the launch. Life jackets, throw device, distress flag, whistle or horn, fire extinguisher, and registration area what they asked me to show. If near dusk or dawn Im sure they would want to see running lights as well. Just check up on the USCG regulations before heading out. Now with that said Oneida can be like all waters, a tough bite at times but there are also plenty great days on the lake. The fall perch bite is starting to kick in and there are some nice jumbo perch in there as well. Due to theft I have not the tackle I once had so Im been a bit more limited on my presentations. Bucktail Jigs are top of the list for fishing on Oneida tipped with half a night crawler. Most of the time the locals are pretty friendly so dont be afraid to ask questions. The state launches usually have Cornell students there doing creel counts and checking boats and trailers for aquatic species still attached to them. Ask them as well they usually have some insight on whos catching walleye and where. Its a great fishery and Im sure you will enjoy it once you get the bite figured out. Just google cabins on Oneida lake there are plenty of options to stay at or there is a couple new Hotels close by next door to Gander Mountain, actually in the same parking lot. I will more than likely be out there on the 21st myself.
Cornell has been doing a really great job on Oneida lake educating boaters and also inspecting boats entering and exiting the launches. A quick few questions are asked and then they ask permission to look over your boat and trailer. This is one law I can actually agree with. I hope there is more educating on the matter other than just a signed bill though. I would guess fisherman are much more informed and leary about these invasive plants than recreational boaters.
Thank you guys for the offers, its great to know there is still good hearted americans still amongst us. I do have a couple question that I would like some advice on. I have been a Fenwick Rod fan for quite some time and most all the rods I am missing are indeed Fenwicks. I am going to replace my jigging rods and reels first as this is what I do most of when walleye fishing. My question is are any of you using Fenwicks new line of Jigging Rods, the walleye series. http://www.fenwickfishing.com/Fenwick%C2%AE-Elite-Tech%E2%84%A2-Walleye/1285579,default,pd.html I have taken a liking to them so far without fishing with one but would like some input from those using them. Thanks again.
You sir are a very kind person and I appreciate the offer a lot. I will have to decline though seems I cant keep my own stuff in my possession and I certainly dont want to take a chance with someone elses equipment. I truly appreciate the offer and thank you! I also appreciate every ones advice. I live just east of Pulaski about 9 miles from Port Ontario. From what Im told there was 3 places that were broken in to and by the sounds of it this person is targeting anything and everything he can. I have been a bit more fortunate than the others that were robbed. There is a lead and a suspect. I do have his name and I do know where he lives. If this is the guy it makes my stomach turn even more as I drive by his house just about everyday and he and his misses always wave to me when I drive by. A vehicle described seen matches the description to the one parked in his driveway. I really want to stop and pay a friendly visit but I just have to leave it up to the police. I dont have itemized pictures of whats missing just pictures where the rods etc might be in a picture taken while fishing. I do know I have learned a lesson and I will be taking itemized pictures for insurance if I get my stuff back or the replacements in due time. I will be turning in serial numbers to my hunting guns etc to the insurance company for both of our records. The biggest thing I hope comes out of this is others learn from my misfortune and lock there stuff up so it doesnt happen to anyone else. Take care guys and better days are sure to come I hope.
Checking with them on that and awaiting a response. I get the feeling Im screwed. Without actual proof of purchase like receipts for all of it Im not hopefull. I mentioned I had pictures and a response of no disrespect but we do not know if this is of your equipment or someone elses stuff. Another questioned asked is if I had recorded serial numbers. Uhhhh never noticed a fishing rod or lures with serial numbers on them. I suppose they get scammed sometimes and cant lay blame on them for it.
Last night someone decided to help themselves to my fishing rods and tackle on my boat. Makes me sick to my stomach thinking about all the money I have spent over the years to accumulate my fishing arsenal. I have always left my stuff in the boat parked in my driveway and have never thought twice about it or ever had an issue. There is no way I can possibly replace all of it anytime soon and some of the stuff if just not replaceable. Two of my favorite rods that Where my first set of rods I purchased to tournament fish with many years ago. There is just no replacing a rod combo that feels like and extension of your own arm let alone several of them. So take a lesson from a mistake I have made and remove your stuff from your boats and lock it up. It just takes one low life scumbag to ruin years of memories, countless hours of enjoyment and a few thousand dollars worth of equipment to end up in there possession in a matter of minutes. I hope you guys take my advice and dont ever have to feel like I did this morning when I seen my stuff missing.
I suspect so, I had to turn the sensitivity down on my graph cause it was a cluster mess from top to bottom. Lake is like this every year. Sounds like you fished the dumping grounds? That is where I was finding nice pockets of clear water chasing bait fish around looking for eyes.
Mexico and Oswego reports?
Steelman replied to Adk1's topic in New York Fishing Reports - Lake Ontario (South Shore)
Its been pea soup for a month out there. Makes things different to fish but the fishing is still good in these conditions. Just some days are better than others. Find clean water when it gets tough its out there but takes some fuel to find it.
Trolling has been either hot or frigid for me. I give it a couple hours and if nothing I change up strategy. I cant handle staring at open water waiting for a fish for too much longer than that. That is part of what makes Oneida so great, many different ways to catch fish in all sorts of depth on any day.
It was a hard bite this weekend for me as also. Caught some dinks as well. I hate the glass water fishing and it usually reflects the fishing as flat as well lol. I did box out but it did not come easy. I did something I hardly ever do and its the last resort fishing strategy for me but it pays off if your patient. FInd the baitfish and anchor. The walleye follow them around a bit and you can get into them. Best bite was still in 17fow.
My opinion the east and west winds are my favorite to fish, lets me drift over my favorite spots quite nicely, I would also rather fish the 10 to 16 east west walleye chop versus the forecast for tomorrow . However fish can and will be caught by many. I will be out most all of the day, and I concur 2+ mph troll speed has been good, real good. Walleye are spread all over so dont think you need to stick with deep water either. Been doing very well in the 12 to 17 fow range and 30 plus. Good rule of thumb is if your catching sheephead speed up for the walleye.
Why is my line eating up my slide divers?
Steelman replied to BrokeOff's topic in Questions About Trout & Salmon Trolling?
Did you take the light bite arms off? These arms hold the line up and off the tail edge of your divers stopping the line from eating into the divers. Take a look at this link. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CE4QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.slidediver.com%2Fimg%2FSlideDiver.pdf&ei=8ijPU8CnGs-wyATHs4D4BQ&usg=AFQjCNE9mFwQyS3EoiGhM0w5IaaYOfUCRQ&sig2=8p8rzYuLrPsQZtG-HElQDg -
Call the waterline for the Salmon River before trying. The CFM's the river is flowing at makes all the difference in the world at the PO launch. There is a big difference in water level between the summer flow of 135 cfm and 750 CFM's for example. You could see a couple feet difference in the water level at the launch. Which can explain why some have had no problems and others have.
It was rough water, very rough water. Took a lot of of water over the bow but the fishing was HOT! 23 eyes in 12 to 17 FOW from 730 on. Yep I waited out the rain but glad we decided to launch anyhow. Took a bit to figure the bite out but once we got it we got it. Blue and silver Sonars and the worm harness bite was on today. First fish didnt hit the net till after 9 am. I must say there are some crazy dedicated fisherman in small row boats with tiller motors out there lol. I must have seen 5 of them over the course of the morning with there bows pointing straight up. Crazy windy. In the end it didnt matter if it was raining or not cause we were wet from the ride anyhow.
You are not the first person to have jangy threads on an aluminum block and you wont be the last. I was told to always tighten the plugs just a smidge before removing them. Chasing the threads would drop aluminum metal into the cylinder unless you remove the head. I would also install new plugs and not reuse the old ones. You may save yourself some potential future problems and money by taking it to capable mechanic.