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Everything posted by Steelman

  1. South shore is a really shallow launch, its moslty all sand though. If you head a couple more miles east you could launch at Fremac as its much deeper launch. Unfortunately its not free like the state launch. Will cost ya 10 or 15 bucks to launch at Fremac.
  2. Its crazy how fast Oneida warmed up this year. 76 yesterday in 40 fow. With the fireworks show friday night seems to me you could fish anywhere on the lake and have it to yourself for a nice night trip lol.
  3. Wonder how many boats are hitting Shakelton LOL. Lots of reports coming from there lately. Time to find a new hot spot I guess. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy myself included.
  4. I own several Temple Fork Fly rods and will confirm they stand behind there warranty. I was had a flyfishing trip for bows with a brand new Temple Fork Rod. Two days before the trip I did the unthinkable and leaned the rod on the car, short story the tip got smashed. I called Temple Fork, they said send the rod overnight and they will match a new top section and ship it to my hotel where I was headed. It was at the front desk before I even checked in at no charge from Temple Fork. It was clearly my mistake and I made that clear with them on the phone. I have Orvis rods, Sage rods and several other top brands and I dont expect that kind of service from any of them. Great Company and a great Rod to boot.
  5. I jig mornings and I jig evenings and troll mid day. Has been a succesful pattern for me.
  6. Seems this has been more the norm this year more so than any other. There has not been a day I been out that I wasnt chopped at some point and usually many times. The worse case was early spring jigging for walleye of a marked shoal. I was 10 feet off one pin marker and another fisherman on full plane decided he needed to fit between me and the pin. They started yelling that I have the whole &%#$*(!@ lake and I have to be 10 feet away from a marker. Unreal yeah there is a whole lake and there was no possible way with miles and miles of open water behind me they couldnt go around. Past weekend Trolling eyes I got chopped off 2 times by other fisherman who know what inline planer boards are cause they started running them after the chopped me off. On the same trip Drifting from 21 feet of water where the wind was pushing baitfish towards an island, as we were casting jigs another fisherman decided to run withing 15 feet of where we were pitching jigs into the drift, he then made a short U turn and started drifting the same line we were. Couldnt have gone behind us he just had to cut us off. I find its more other fisherman who lack a great deal of etiquette rather than recreation boaters. There has been way more recreational boaters make a wide swath around me and slow down and wave to us.
  7. Oneida on my opinion. If you leave there without catching fish you probably forgot your fishing pole lol.
  8. Tractor Supply has axles of various sizes right in stock.
  9. Your kidding right? LOL
  10. Theres a sea rat tourney? Now thats funny. Did okay today weeding through them sea rats for walleye. 8 to 10 fow was the ticket.
  11. Oneida has been fishing hard for me since opening weekend. So many pickeral its sickening. Did very well opening weekend but the eyes were not spawned yet. I have to assume most went up the creeks and it should get better soon. Ive covered the lake from one end to the other searching and everyone I have talked too has been in the same situation. Even trolling around the beach has produced little. I have had many short bites but the amount of pickeral that are getting hooked in same areas sort of makes me thankful as its one less sea rat I have to handle lol.
  12. 3 walleye over 15 inches... http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/41034.html They can catch that many but he never said they kept them. He shows 6 fish with the caption "2 day limit".
  13. I really dont care how much people brag about the rage. NOTHING AND I MEAN NOTHING will compensate for a bad hit. If you go in the woods with a mentality that yeah I go me a rage broadhead and if I have a marginal shot at best IM good. LMAO It isnt the broadhead it is the shot placement. I shot rage one year and never again same deal as Ray stuck a shoulder and tht was it never penetrated. Im at almost 500 grains with my arrow and 70# draw on the bow shooting over 300 fps, a setup doesnt get a whole lot better than those numbers. I went back to the G5's and blew through a shoulder tonight with a complete pass through. Many years ago there was a long study done on broadheads for the best configuration for penetration, all calculations taking into affect from the degree of anlge of the cutting edges to cutting diameter. I will see if I can dig it up and post it. You guys can keep those Rage's they loose to much energy when they hit.
  14. Ray its an out of state deer then isnt it? If not I would be careful about saying your feeding them minerals. You never know whos is reading.
  15. Ray put the minerals away thats a no no. lol I think hes more than 3 good body mass and starting to get the sag. If you have better buck to hunt I would pass if not get after him.
  16. Well I posted the link to the charges a twice now and it keeps disapearing but he was found guilty on 3 of the charges and brother Bob was found not guilty. He has 2 years or 16 months on good behavior and dec will decide if he loses his guide license. He is going.
  17. Comparing a motor to a breech plug has no relevance. A motor with thousands of moving parts to wear out verses a little hole. Ray I understand what I think your trying to say but if they manufactured a gun that the tolerance of the hole is so critical that if it enlarges by the least little bit it will blow your head off do you really think they would be in business without lawsuits and death on there hands? Lets see I think Im going to design a gun that is on the fringe of blowing everyones head off after a few years of firing it as the heat and flames slowly over time keep burning that hole larger little by little. I think not.
  18. It was a gunsmith who opened up my breechhole. It is a very small increase. Never had a problem since with it. Also trying to figure out this flashback you talk about and I come up with nothing at all. The cap is completely sealed except that small little hole where the flash exits the cap so exacally how does it flash backwards through a thick chunk of steel holding it in place and manage to kill the guy shooting the gun? Is the bullet somehow going to shoot backwards with all the powder behind it pushing it out the muzzle? The size of the breech hole is so small so it can direct all its ignition capabilities into one spot or right down the center of the hole in the pellets. A larger hole spreads that ignition over a wider area and does not direct all its power into one spot resulting in a slower ignition of the powder. So you basically get a hotter faster ignition with a small hole but downside is a small hole plugs easier than a larger one and unless kept clean you could get a misfire. So some of us chose a compromise of a little larger hole to help with the misfires but not to large to slow down the ignition of the powder to worry about. Remember the old days when you pulled the trigger and held the gun and waited for the bang? Newer guns you you get the bang on the trigger pull.
  19. Yes sir drill out the hole just a wee bit larger for better ignition. I still wonder why they make that hole needle thin.
  20. Nice buck. Got 50 inches of snowfall during the week here. I must say this is the first time I have ever seen green leaves on a maple tree in december. LOL
  21. I got a brother who tells stories every time he shoots an inferior buck and as how he didnt mean to. lol Im on the wagon just because of that. Just kidding, Glad that gun was not aimed at your own flesh when she went off and if the worse outcome was you bagging a buck you lucked out on this one.
  22. Hunter shot and killed on property boardering mine opening day. I find it amazing how just a couple idots can give thousands a bad rep.
  23. If anyone can"t find a place to hunt in this state other than someones elses posted land then they just plain are stupid. There is more state land in NY than anywhere. Adirondacks, catskills and about a 1000 other sections throughout the state. Its seems it is some hunters natural instinct to think there deer are bigger, better and more of them on the other side of those posted signs when some of the biggest deer in the state are harvested season after season on state land. I look at this way we all own a large amount of land and then some of us own a little bit more that we pay large amounts of money for so we can have some for ourselves to hunt and do as we please with it. I bet I hunt state land just as much as my own private land and why not its our tax dollars and license fees paying for every acre. I can say that 15 years ago down to camp you could barely find a place to sit on opening morning of gun season on the state land that surrounds my camp. In the last 3 to 4 years you might see 5 or 6 other hunters and man if the weather is crappy half of them stay home or leave well before noon. Then after opening weekend I will see just a handful of hunters rest of the season, come late muzzloader no one at all. So heres my answer, Unless you have a private landowners permission to be there either OWN, LEASE OR HUNT STATE LAND its pretty f-ing simple.
  24. Oh by the way I never said I cut the rack of the deer. They are still intact with head exacally like I found them.
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