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Everything posted by Steelman
Sorry but finding a dead deer half eaten by coyotes is a little different than shooting a buck and declaring it unfit to eat. My statement was sarcasim. In fact the damn head wasnt even attached to the body and I have pictures of the thing. If any DEC officer wants to issue me a ticket for picking up a friggin set of antlers off a carcass on my land then so be it and I will gladly inform them of the waste of time they just spent doing so intead of spending their time chasing poachers, trespasser and other such criminals in the field. And from what Im gathering your trying to say is if I left it till December 6 the day after our season closes it would be okay in your book to pick them up then? If so tell me what the hell sense does that make?
You really think im putting a tag on a dead buck that was gutshot by a trespasser, found dead and eaten by coyotes? Never heard of such a thing. How many guys put a tag on a deer hit by a car or tag on a set of shed antlers they find in the woods. But hey I will go outside and put my bow/muzzleloader tag on it sense Im not using it. Never heard of such a thing and I will call the dec to get some details on this. Or maybe I will just throw it back in the woods and wait till spring and see if I find it while shed hunting.
Mike its funny you just said that cause I called my neighbor who hunts and has a son who will be hunting next year and aasked him to come over for a cup of coffee and a chat. I was going to offer him permission to hunt with stipulations on only taking big bucks except if his boy has a chance to take his first deer on my land anything is fair game if they posses proper tags to harvest it in exchange for some help with tresspassers. Its a good idea until he shoots a whopper buck and then I will be rethinking that plan lol. So with all my whining and giving up I woke up this morning and its a whiteout. 13 year stepson says to me if it stops snowing your taking me hunting. Well I really was adiment about it but when it stopped I took him out. Decided we would just find some fresh tracks and follow them in hopes of getting a deer. So almost imediately we find a lone set of tracks. After 4 hours and many circles lol we managed to jump this deer 3 times. The deer went down into the river valley and I told him hurry up if we get on top of this ridge he either has to cross the river or play ghost. We get on the ridge and there he is 150 or so yards down in the valley. I put the binos on him and its a small rack 7pt. I tell the boy he too small and needs to grow more. The look on his face of disapointment and he whispers to me you havent been deerles since Ive known you and this would be our first deer together you gotta shoot. So I did. The smile on his face when he held up that rack made all the BS fade away and Im thankfull he put some spirit back into me after such a dismall season. Not the greatest deer and one I would have never shot if he wasnt there but sometimes its not about the rack its about the values and time shared in the woods with a stepdad and stepson that makes it worth while.
Sounds about right Chowder. I own land in 7m as well as here at home. When I got it 12 or 13 years ago I spent the first 2 years doing nothing but throwing people off. I gave them all a warning and the second time around I called the state troopers on them. It is amazing the difference between here and there. It actually worked for the most part and I am known as the Ahole. I remember walking back from a morning watch through state land that borders my property and there was a guy close to my posted line. I started to cross it and this guy who I never seen before says to me" I wouldnt cross that line I have been told that guy is the biggest Ahole and wont put up with it" I yelled back to him and said thanks Im that Ahole lol. Twice this year I have ran into DEC down there checking around which is cool.
I called the DEC last year when I seen flashlights going through my land and the state troopers showed up. State Trooper told me to call them instead of the DEC since they are in high demand. From what I understand and correct me if Im wrong here but I was told that a DEC officer has more power than a trooper or someone from the sherrifs dept. Game enforcement is out of their relm as opposed to a dec officer has the athourity to deal with all situations. Unfortunetly I only see a dim future for our DEC. Seems some forced retirement and layoffs and now talk of another 250 dept members getting laid off. Got to love Patterson but that is a topic of all its own. You guys do realize Im from Altmar and there are people in this town that can get arrested several times for the same damn thing without ill regard ( and being arrested just means they get a visit and a ticket for an appearance in court). One in particular has appeared in court for tresspassing but unfortunetly our town judge collects court fees and gives the speech dont do it again. At one point in time I had one guy in particular sitting in my treestand who has been to see the judge a few times. When I approached him and demanded him to leave he proceeded to give me a speech that he can and will hunt anywhere he darn well pleases. Well I gave him a quick warning that I would be back in 10 minutes and if he isnt gone when I get back hes going for the ride of his life. 10 minutes later I was at the base of that tree with him still in it when I fired up the chainsaw and I still laugh my butt off at how fast he came down that tree. One problem I am having is the friggin easement along the river. Seems everyone thinks that since there is an easement they have a right to treat the land like they own it. What they dont realize is it is just a damn right away for them to fish the river. DEC does not allow you to post the line with traditional posted signs per a phone conversation with them on the rights of the easement and posting it. They are suppose to supply their own posted signs and after many phone calls a year later I dont have them. So I got land posted on 3 side except the most important one. So tomarrow Im off to buy some more signs and Im posting anyways and if they have a problem with it too bad. Ray I do realize a badly hit deer can and will travel a long way. Thing is I backtracked his trail following the spots of blood and the way he walked he was scuffing his feet that he came from the river valley and went up a pretty darn steep hill to where I assume he laid downed and expired. That valley is surrounded by that big hill except for the river. So either that buck came down that hill of neighbors land ( who I made an agreement with to snowplow and cut the dead trees for the sole hunting and trapping rights to) or crossed the river. I have to assume he got shot on my land. Any of you run into some A-hole kicking and screaming at some guy along the river come over and say Hi cause its probably me lol.
Heres the deal, I am fed up with disrespectful a-holes. I live on the salmon river and have almost 200 acres of land and for some reason every local yahoo seems to think that they can hunt and trap it any damn time they like. Seems like I am constantly kicking people off who seem to be unable to read a posted sign. I have kicked out 3 different trappers in 3 days and several hunters since gun opened. Some yahoo even had the balls to build a ground blind out of a bunch of brush and one corner of it was a tree with one of my stands in it. Yesterday I found a dead buck. When I got closer to it I discovered it was the big 10pt I have been after for 2 years and have several pics of him. Gut shot and left from the lack of a ethical hunter who not only is a trespasser and an idiot. So I am left pissed off and with a set of antlers from a buck that died and went to complete waste. Sorry to rant but, but I just want to say to those hunters that do not give a crap and think they can and will hunt anywhere they want regardless of being posted or not stay off my land and quit giving all of the respectful hunters such a bad reputation. I hear hunters all the time complain about not having land to hunt and land being bought and posted or landowners leasing out hunting rights. My posted signs went up due to a-hole hunters and in return I deny anyone permission. Its too bad this is how our hunting has turned out. I thought I would never say this but I cannot wait for the season to end. I have had enough chasing people off. Unless they have a fishing pole in their hand I will be prosecuting anyone I see on my land from this point forward. No more phone calls to trappers and no more warnings to hunters. Your caught you get a trip to the judge. I encourage everyone to use your brain and if you see someone without one put a boot in their a$$ and let them know they are the ones ruining it for the rest who actually care and respect people and wildlife.
Well so much for the smart and safe approach. A hunter down on state land bordering my camp got shot and killed opening morning. Word was he was sitting in a camo ground blind and no blaze orange on it or him. I was told he was rattling and grunting in the blind when another hunter who obviously should not have been given a hunting license seen movement and heard what sounded like a buck and just shot not knowing what his target was or aware of his surroundings. Sunday I was on night watch and in this thick patch of woods behind me I hear movement and see glimpses of brown. I am in ready mode and awaiting this deer to come out of the thicket. Its a damn good thing someone along the lines of my life tought me to identify your target and whats beyond it cause that two legged deer in full camo wearing a brown ballcap last meal could have been lead. Guys wear some blaze orange during gun season and especially on opening day when all the wannabe slickers hits the woods for their one and only unt for the season. It just plain common sense. And dont give the excuse that you hunt on private posted land either cause I cant count how many hunters have crossed my posted lines and got the boot. BLAZE ORANGE WEAR IT
Glad It just wasnt me thinking the same thing T_barb. Bad shots unfortunetly can and do happen but why add insult to injury and take pictures when an animal is in distress instead of quickly dispatching him.
Ok Rebel I think its time to mess with his second brain you know the one that dominates over common sense lol. Some top shelf genuine doe in heat lure, and some doe bleats. Dont be shy on the use of the scent I would do the big no no myself and and get that scent upwind of his bedding area and throw some nice long doe bleats his way and wack that one eye jack when he comes a running. I almost got the one I been chasing tonight, it was a good thing cause it was dark and I was in the truck. He ran right out in front of the truck about 100 yards before I pulled in the driveway. It was close.
I buy a kit from a hunting supply place. It does 2 heads. Boiling takes about 2 hours. Scrape as much crap off it you can and the pressure washer takes care of the rest in a hurry. It comes with an accelerant product to speed that process up then a bleaching past you mix and let dry. Once thats dry you brush it off and mount it to a plaque. They come out as white as white can get. I do highly suggest not to buy one of those cheesy plastic skulls and mount the antlers to that. Antlers just dont fit right and it looks fake when all done.
Ok how did this thread turn into a bear deal? Any updates on one eye?
Wow small world my hunting camp is in the town of Solon. Be great to get a spot close to camp when the deer are hiding which has been all year so far. Thanks for the tip.
Blockhead if your refering to the peice of state land on the the woodcock have been decent there this year but nothing like last year. Pheasants well I havent seen one nor has the dog pointed one there this year. The fields were all mowed down before the dang season opened.
Rebel first question I have, what trail cams are you using to get the videos? They are pretty good quality videos compared to others I have seen. A couple things I noticed in the video. 1 his glands on his rear legs are getting real dark 2 his neck does not seem to be swollen yet. So Im thinkin he is just starting to come into rut. With that said I still stand strong by saying right now is the best time to get him to come into some rattling and grunting. Put out some good pure buck urine with no additives and dont be shy using it. It will act as a cover scent and an attractant. It is their natural instinct to protect the area they have claimed as there own and if he wants it to stay his he is going to protect it injury or not. The next thing I will suggest is to ditch all the past grunt tubes you have used in the woods and get a new different one than you already have. If at any point you have used one in your arsenal and it spooked him even without you knowing he is going to remeber that call. Your first chance is gonna be your best chance so make sure the wind and conditions are perfect. This guy is a nice buck in anyones book. I take it your not in Sandy Creek after this guy. Its rifle season there. Iam willing to bet that 80 percent of my bucks I have taken have been the result of rattling and grunting. My brothers get mad at me cause they cant seem to make it work for them. Sometimes it is only once a season I get a buck to come in from rattling but thats is all it takes is one and from my experience it is when those glands on their back legs are turning black and the neck isnt swollen yet. If you bag this baby you are gonna have alot of mixed emotions. Excitement from all the hard work you put in and a point of sadness that its over. If it doesnt pan out he only gonna be that much bettter next year. Good luck and be sure to tell us the story as it unfolds.
Nice job man. One question is that bucks neck swollen already or is it just me?
When the Rut kicks in his hormones will change the game for you. Hes gonna be checking does at some point during the day. Not sure about the enhanced senses due to being a one eye. Could be just hunting pressure that has made him nocturnal or a past experience. Good bucks are smart bucks and eventually make a mistake, the question is are you gonna be there when it happens. My approach to a deer like this would be to just monitor him via trail cams and keep the pressure off him till the rut comes on. The less he knows your there the more likely he will not be as timid checking does in the daytime. However if there is other hunters putting the pressure on him I would take a long scent free shower, put on freshly scent free washed clothes, rubber boots, spray down every peice of equipment and myself and get in the woods well before daylight downwind of his bedding area. Tickle some antlers and blow some grunts his way and hope for the best. Either way congrats on getting into bowhunting its my favorite time in the woods. Your first one is the one you will remember the most.
Dont be sorry I learned something new. I was mislead by the DEC website i guess. It sounded like Whitney point waas their pheasant management area. I have a hunting camp in Solon I send alot of time during bow season and was looking for an area close to it for pheasant. I will have to look up how to get there. Thanks for the info.
Dont be sorry I learned something new. I was mislead by the DEC website i guess. It sounded like Whitney point waas their pheasant management area. I have a hunting camp in Solon I send alot of time during bow season and was looking for an area close to it for pheasant. I will have to look up how to get there. Thanks for the info.
Well that is exacally how my GSP hunts. I love hunting over her as it is alot of fun to watch a good dog in action. The rooster she pointed at 3 rivers was in a hedgerow we just watched 3 labs hunt through. I cut through it and she was getting all birdy and I let her do her thing and sure enough she found one. Is Tarbell Farms actually whitney point wmu or a connecting proerty? Excuse my ignorance here just never heard it called Tarbell Farms. Thanks for the reply.
10/21/10 Big guy in the middle of fairport.
Steelman replied to samsalmon's topic in Big / Small Game
I have nightly dreams of big whitetails like that. WOW -
Took the GSP to 3 rivvers today and only put up one rooster. Alot of woodcock though. Has anyone been to whitney point? Hows the hunting been there?
Make some room in your treestand on the 16th Im coming over. Nice deer
Well its good to hear that the plea bargain didnt work out and it will go to a jury after all. Funy it didnt mention anything about losing his guide license. Im trying to figure out how any type of jury is gonna sit in that court room though. The room cant be any bigger than a 10 foot square room. Maybe they are gonna move the firetrucks out of the place and set it up in there lol. May justice prevail..
Just found out last week the judge was sick on the forementioned courtdate so it was rescheduled for a later date. Word is that there is a plea bargain on the table and it isnt going anywhere but a small slap on the hand and a I dont ever wanna see you in this courthouse again speech. Sad I would of really like to know the truth behind all this and justice served. Also if you searched any info on Pat you would notice he has harrasment charges against him in Allegany county where he hunts as well. On a side note its almost time for some Salmon to come in the river.