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June 12, 2010
Last visited
December 9, 2024
Everything posted by fbg14619
There is very good article in North American Whitetail that addresses the very issue of hunting in early Oct.
Gist of the article was that the Cons out way the Pros of hunting before late Oct. Of course some people have
connected already. Congrats to them.
That is a real nice buck! I would be happy with him too!
Real nice. I hope I can do as well. Is that a summit tree stand you got?
Really beautiful fish. It should go on the wall.
Those two deer made a big mistake to walk in front of him.
That is a beauty. Are you sure it was not 42 feet of water and 53 inches?
Lots of people should not own guns or be hunting but they own guns and do go hunting. Just the other day a convicted felon was out squirrel
hunting and killed his hunting partner. The law prohibited him from having a gun but there he was out there with one. Just saying that there are
people who have itchy fingers and there are people who will break the law.
That is a big doe. Should make drawing back on the buck easier now.
My two cents, if I may. If you put a 3 or 4 point restriction out there ( which there is in some areas I hunt)
What is to stop someone from seeing a flash of horns and knocking the buck down and then walking over and
saying oops it does not meet the restriction and then walking away and trying to kill another buck? I think the one buck rule is a good idea and the best way to achieve more big bucks.
Nice buck. Thanks for sharing the picture.
I tried the salmo hornet. Cast it and trolled it. Never caught a thing on it
It is hard to not find them there. Most people just start out around the channel in 7-12 feet. Get close to drop off and dont crowd your neighbors and start reeling em in. If you get on em they will hit anything. When you get on them it is cast out or drop your line and count 1 2 3 and start reeling and you will have one. Was out there Sat morning and it was especailly hard fishing because of the wind. Did bring home 20-25 nice ones. They sure tasted good
Sure wish you were closer Justin. Crappie are my absolute favorite fish to eat. They are in all the waters I fish but I only get one or two after the spring bite.
Thanks Potsie. Once it starts it stays on.
You did right Justin to let cooler heads prevail. It only takes a minute for something to escalate and something happen that you would like to take back. Plus you can never tell if you are dealing with someone who is mentally unstable. Easy to just boat away and fish another day or night. Beside you have to figure if they dont know how to boat correctly, they probably dont know how to fish either and you probably wont see them anymore
Looks like you had a great day. Nice catch!
Just beautiful! Beyond description!
I would drive the distance to Erie for the walleye not the perch. Would just as soon wait til they start at IBay. Gas is
Nice. I wanted to get out yesterday eve to try em but it didnt work out. Hope they dont decide to run up the river in mass in the next few days
Isn't it getting close to that time? Is anyone picking any up yet?
Nice catch. thanks for putting lure in to give size perspective.
Anybody out there? What is lake like today. It has been rough the last few days has it calmed down?
Looks like you had an excellent trip! WTG!
Went out with daughter and a couple friends at IBay around 5. Thought it might have settled. Did not settle enough to go
out to 80 feet to try for the salmon. Turned around hung in the bay for a couple hours. Too bad the perch are not in there yet.
Anyone have a recent update? weather report said waves were supposed to lessen. Has it? Thanks