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Everything posted by fbg14619

  1. They were biting good there over the weekend. everyone was catching them. Worm or chicken livers. People were running out of bait
  2. LOL at the last paragraph of your post. Does anyone here remember how Nelson Rockefeller died?
  3. Looks like that bear is being fed. Isn't it dangerous to do that? They may start expecting food and attack if they don't get it.
  4. your are right about shotguns only per this link http://www.dnr.illinois.gov/hunting/Pages/HuntingDevicesandAmmunition.aspx maybe he was hunting in a preserve where any weapon is legal?
  5. Nice one there!
  6. Beauty. If that a mark from another fish hitting at it on its belly?
  7. This young 8 point walked by the gun stand that I set up on Sunday. Sure hope I see him or his daddy on opening day. Woods are really all tore up now. also putting in picture of rub that a friend sent me.
  8. Bet that got your heart pumping when you saw him coming your way! Congrats
  9. Real nice buck!
  10. WTG man! Real Nice One!
  11. I saw a tiger doing the same thing about 5-6 weeks ago on Conesus. Have seen plenty of fish swimming with head out of the water but this one was bobbing up and down for the longest time. A boat would pass by and he would disappear and then a few minutes later he was back bobbing again really high. It was a waste of time casting to him.
  12. I loved checking those pictures out!
  13. Congratulations on your muskie! Must have been super exhilarating to bring it to the net!
  14. Now that will be one great memory. (Y)
  15. fbg14619

    I bay

    That is a dandy catch and you wont wear yourself out filetting them. (Y)
  16. There is a great App for Iphone that fishman930 (Dean) told me about. You can monitor your speed with it. The free one is buggy. So I paid the 1.99 and love it.
  17. Isn't there a point where you are going to fast that the crank will lose it's action and start to just roll over? I thought this was around 4.5 mph?
  18. Sounds like your buck is killable but you better do it before rut starts because once rut starts they find the hot does and forget about scrapes.
  19. I was hunting down near Scio on Saturday. I did not get a chance to do extensive scouting as I had to do some farm chores to get hunting privileges but in the small walk I took while he was cutting corn on the tractor, I did find two scrapes back in the woods. they were fresh but did not have a ton of activity. Did not find any smoking hot rubs, did find some tine tickles on trees near the scrapes. Did not see any of the scrapes around field that you usually see either. Helped put up a new ladder stand and hunted in it from 5-7. Deer came in to the corn at 6:45. Two does and two fawns. Did not see any bucks. Deer were very skittish but did walk directly past my stand at 18 yards. Does are off limits on his farm though. He has a ton of pictures of bears in and around the woods and eating his corn. He was hoping I could get one of those out of there but all the bear pictures were well after dark and none of the bears came my way.
  20. That buck is a keeper and so is your girl!. Congrats to you both.
  21. Tomorrow is going to be my first chance to get out in the woods. Just wondering if anyone is seeing any scrapes yet? Upstate NY by the way. Thanks Frank
  22. What a beautiful fish! I noticed the inverted rod holders. That is the first time I have seen a picture of them. Don't mean to sound dumb but can you tell when you get a strike as readily as with conventional holders?
  23. Very nice!
  24. No eyes yet. Caught my best bass same day tho. Maybe there is a night bite.
  25. Everyone who cant catch them and they are probably the majority are practicing conservation. It is not like you have hundreds of fisherman keeping three large fish apiece. I am sure there are lots of fisherman who don't catch any walleyes. Justin is just taking a small portion of the share that they don't/cant catch. I am sure the fish he kept wont affect the fishery one teentsy iota.
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