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Everything posted by MarkNY

  1. I have 5 Lots of Lures for sale: Lot #1- 22 Crankbaits/Body Baits--- 3 rebel, 13 rapala, 2 bomber, 4 unkown--- $20 Lot#2- 16 Bomber Long A Stickbaits--- $20 Lot#3- 14 Stickbaits--- 11 rebel, 1 rapala, 2 unkown--- $15 Lot#4- 14 Misc. Stickbaits--- $10 Lot#5- 11 Misc. Stickbaits--- 11 finland nilsomasters, 2 unkown--- $5 Buyer pays shipping. Make me an offer on everything. Thanks, Mark
  2. I bought a boat last fall that came with an Airmar transducer, transom mount. Dont know anything about aftermarket transducers. Please tell me about them. I have a lowrance HDS and an Eagle color sonar/gps, will an aftermarket transducer make these units perform better? thanks, mark
  3. One SOLD pending payment. Have one left....
  4. I have two ready to fish dipsy setups that are brand new, never fished. I got them last summer with the intention of running a 4 dipsy spread but i just never got the courage to put out two per side. The rods are Daiwa Heartland HLD 10'6" Heavy with twili tips installed. Reels are Okuma Coldwater Linecounter Reels in size 30. Reels have 1000' of Torpedo 30# wire in smoke color with a high quality SPRO BB swivel on the end. I have $210 in each setup. Willing to take $155 for one or $300 for the pair. Prefer local pickup but may be able to arrange shipping at buyers expense. Located in Auburn,NY. thanks, mark
  5. My forecast shows 20mph early out of south. Certainly doable wave wise but I know that wind blows my 16' winter boat around pretty good. Especially with a cross wind. But fish were tight today so you can stay close. 8-12' good luck
  6. call hook line and sinker. you can prob get in there...
  7. Hi Joe! Good to hear from you. Def hope to see you this summer. Your welcome on my boat anytime. Best, Mark
  8. The Bay is iced over so there is no other launch options...
  9. Fished Sodus today and went 11 for 15 on browns and one steelhead. Several nice fish including one that had to be pushing 14-15lbs. Looked like a spring king. Fished from 12-18FOW, all stickbaits on boards. JR thunderstick, smithwicks. Found 38 degree water that was cloudy, not muddy. Fish seemed to be concentrated in that water. No fish in the dirty water. Had a couple triples and doubles that kept us busy with just two of us fishing. Good way to start the season off.... Mark
  10. Checked out Mexico Pt and Oswego yesterday. Both are wide open. A little floating ice out front in mexico on the easterly but both are fishable and launchable. best, mark
  11. i have a hardtop on my crestliner sabre that i will be taking off this spring and selling. if this interests you, let me know. its in great shape. mark
  12. SOLD I have 51 spoons for sale. All have working hooks. There is 19 Mags most of which are NK. 20 standard, about half are NK and 12 medium size spoons by various makers. $100 plus shipping takes them all. PM me if interested. thanks, mark
  13. I have 2 willie bait files for sale. They are in fair condition but still hold a ton of baits. $50 takes both of them. Id like to do local pickup as shipping would probably be a little pricey. PM me if interested. thanks, mark
  14. Guys, there sold pending payment thanks
  15. I have for sale 4 anglers pal rod holders. there used but are in excellent working condition. perfect planer board rod holders. $100 plus shipping for all four. I can do paypal or money order. PM me if interested. thanks, mark
  16. Thats one of my favorite boats! Congrats... any pics?
  17. i have both wire and 50# PP setups. ive never had major problems with fleas and braid despite what alot of guys say. dont see much difference between wire and braid when it comes to fleas. best, mark
  18. Had 4 hits on an 8 color yesterday with orange spoon. All steelhead.
  19. Having the same prob, 1 for 5... Good screen in 130
  20. thanks for the reply john. i should have mentioned that i run otter boats not inlines... im going to start tomorrow by setting riggers, then copper outside on the boards then one deep dipsy per side and if things are good maybe try running a 2nd dipsy on a 3 up above the inside dipsy. but if the copper goes and i have to send it back out i cant see any other way than to pull that outside dipsy,,,,
  21. Sounds like a great day nick! enjoying the report. got burned last week after the last NE blow so didnt fish today. any leftover swell or slop this am? we will be up tomorrow launching out of arneys. penn yan with gray softop. boat name cricket. best, mark
  22. thanks guys. ive seen guys running 2 dipsies per side and also a copper outside on a board. how is that done without tangles? a few years back i had a couple tangles with a copper and dipsy and havent dared trying it since but it would be nice to have the whole spread out when in searching mode. my goal is two dipsies per side, boards out with copper or leadcore and 2 riggers. best, mark
  23. Great job Sean! I enjoyed your pics. thanks, mark
  24. Thanks guys. i have 2- 9'6" rods and 2- 10'6" rods. all same model, same reel, same wire. was just thinking that depending on what rods get hit, i cant put them out the same way or in the same order everytime without reeling in one or the other. gonna try it tomorrow and see how it goes. best, mark
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