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Everything posted by Morgan-E

  1. ELOSTA will be having its monthly meeting and fishing seminar at the Mexico VFW on Route 3, Mexico, NY at 7:00PM on Wednesday July 18th. Bob Cinelli (consistantly one of the top tournament fishermen) will be presenting on open water steelhead fishing and tactics. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend. We hope to see you there.
  2. On June 20th at 7:00PM ELOSTA will be holding its monthly meeting and seminar open to the public at the Mexico VFW located on Route 3. The seminar topic will be given by Chris Killorien on Smallmouth Bass fishing. Chris is a member of South City Bassmasters. We hope to see you there.
  3. ELOSTA will be having its meeting and seminar open to the public on June 20th at 7:00PM at the Mexico VFW on Route 3. The guest speaker is Chris Killorien from South City Bassmasters. Also, if you are looking to join ELOSTA, please do so as there is a lot going on that will need to be addressed by our membership in the near future with our local politicians such as the three rod rule which has a sunset clause, lamprey control funding to continue, comorant control, and whatever else rears its head that could affect the fishery. Hope to see you there. Phil
  4. With the way the weather has been as of late there will be plenty - look forward to seeing you up there. The last weekend we got out we had 5 kings and many browns. This past weekend ended up as a blow for us. Here is a pic of the 2 girls with their first keepers of the season. Phil Lizzy and Morgan (Morgan is holding our first king of the season)
  5. channel 72 is the most used out of FH - some use the others (68, 5 and some monitor 9 as well)
  6. The ELOSTA monthly meeting will be held May 16th at the Cicero Gander Mountain at 7:00PM. The Seminar topic is "The use of Torpedo Divers to Diversify Your Spread" and will be presented by Phil Lucason of Family Style Fishing Charters. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
  7. Chris and Linda are great people and run a clean and friendly operation. There really is not a bad place to stay in Fair Haven. As far as launches go - the State Park Launch is the best for a bigger boat > 22'. However if yours is a smaller boat or lighter aluminum the public launch at Chinook is adequate. The only real hazard is "Grass Island" which is 3/4 of the way up the bay towards the lake - it is on the western side of the bay and is approximately 1/3 of a mile long and a hundred yards wide running N - S. It is below the surface at about 2 - 3 feet deep and has a bouy at the north and south end to mark it. As scary as it sounds it is not something that will jump out and grab you - just stay towards the middle or slightly east of middle until you learn where it is and all will be fine. Also, it is a good place to target perch on the drop offs if the lake is really rolling. You can also get your license right in town at Screwie Louies. Brendan will take care of you. His hours are 7 - 2 as of last week. A couple of good people to talk with at Anchor beside Chris on the fishing are Ken "Mr. Clean" and Jim "Shadetree". I will be putting my boat in finally tomorrow. Most people monitor 72 out of FH. If all goes well you will see a large baha with an outboard configuration out there with 2 energetic little girls. Give me a shout if you do. My handle is Morgan-E. Good fishing. Phil
  8. Just show up - all of the ELOSTA meetings are open to the public and people are encouraged to attend. Hope to see you there. Phil
  9. Thanks to all of those who made the ELOSTA (Eastern Lake Ontario Salmon and Trout Association) fishing and nautical flea market a success. From all of the positive feedback that was received from vendors and attendees - it will be happening again next year. For those who are not members of ELOSTA; we would like to see you at some of our meetings and you become a member (less than $15 / year for a family). Visit our website or facebook page for updates and upcoming events. Phil
  10. If we did not have puppy class we were going to test what we bought on Sunday. See you all there. Phil and the girls
  11. Already making a list and so are my daughters. Phil
  12. I have two daughters who love being on the boat ages 7 and 8. Like was said before let them do different things like pick out lures, have input on depth with selected options, steer the boat, lots of snacks, play games like who can kill the most flies to help feed the bait fish, music for them to do a lucky fish dance to or make up a new one if that one does not work, show them how to net a fish, fight a fish, have them look through binoculars to see what other people are doing (only if they don't get sea sick), etc... The main thing is make it fun and interactive. I have and still do draw on these a lot. When the fish are cooperating there is no boredom and then each fish provides high energy and buys time for the next fish to hit. The other thing that I found was to start short if the fish are not in the mood and try again another time with them. Just some suggestions from a dad of two active girls. They are my best two fishinig buddies now and are always ready to go out. Hope this helps. Best of luck. Phil Family Style Fsihing Charters http://www.familystylefishingcharters.com This is my oldest with her biggest solo salmon from last year - this year she already beat it with a 12lb 13oz brown.
  13. Thanks Werner. I will not be there in time, but want to thank you and all those who are able to make it. This is the year that we should first start to see a return from the F.H. pens. Thanks Again. Phil
  14. How long does this usually take? I have some commitments in Oswego in the morning involving brook trout and high school students, but if it takes a while I would like to pitch in as soon as I get done in Oswego. Thanks Phil
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