Great Q, glad you asked!!! The sets I sell on the site here you can hang well over a 1/4 oz. this makes them great for fishing bell sinker rigs on the bottom, to suspending over a 1/4 oz anywere in the water column. I fish erie all the time with them for walleye and perch and they work great. If I bulk up my bait or hanging somthing bigger then I add a special weight to the back that I fabricated just for that reason. All in all if you end up getting a set ask for the add a weight system, its only a few buck more and you would be covered for any type of water depth, or bait rig that you would ever use anywere.
That was Great Bud!!!! I cant stop laughing I, in my 36 years on this planet have not cared about what any one person has thought about what I do, if I truly in my heart know that there is nothing wrong with it! You know who said that? ME Scott when I am having a bad day after "TAKING THE TRASH OUT" I will go to that post and guarantee myself a great day, thanks bud!!
Gambler if people want to come from Buffalo or Florida for that matter to fish that pond for some muddy tasting burbot then I say good. You act like that pond will be fished out in a day. People including yourself have no problem posting the great day that they have on ontario for the trout and salmon along with the depth, color of lure, speed, temp and so on. Get my drift. This is the ICE FISHING forum for this site, I clearly posted some ice fishing information that stated ONE (1), burbot was caught. I posted a few weeks ago about the smelt in Canadice, met some really nice people and was able to fish with them and catch some smelt. Hope to meet a few more before ice out. When you hear that something fishy is going on I can bet that you have no problem traveling to another body of water to fish it.
Diehardiceman I sent you a PM about them smelt, My offer still stands for saturday evening, if weather is good.
I know there are alot of you guys that have been ice fishing for a long time and know when the ice conditions are not safe, but I also know that some of you do not take along any safety gear. I was reminded AGAIN, how important a 15 foot piece of throw rope was when a 79 year old man went for a swim in long pond. Over his head ,no. but he had no chance of getting out without me. I was able to get him out and he was glad I was there. Cant believe the people that drive by and do nothing
My safety rope has plucked 4 people from the ice in the last 15 years, including myself. If you ice fish long enough, you are going to need it one day. I keep a ice anchor and the rope in my gear at all times, you should too!! Its getting that time of year, BE SAFE and let everyone get home to there loved ones.
Any one know how the ice is on Canadice after the warm spell? I would like to hit them smelt soon. Dads out of hospital after surgery and doing well. I need to get down there this coming week end for sure, DF you in?