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Everything posted by bloodshot

  1. bloodshot

    buck pond

    Look for me in april at around 11:30 at night standing on the shore at the cresent beach fishing for crappie after work. The channel looks like it sands rite in but last spring the walleye were spawning of the point at the beach club. I caught 4 nice ones while fishing crappie. Still get some big perch in the spring too.
  2. bloodshot

    buck pond

    Pike and crappie still in the back of the pond. Some hawg crappie too!! Lots of moving around. Had a couple good days on the pike. Largest fish around 32 inches. The troth at the road holds some crappie and pike too, but yes in the early 90s I caught lots of pike and big perch that often hit the pike minnows. If we had all the water that we had in the 80s and 90s then we would have some awesome places to ice fish again. But im afraid that those days are over for buck pond and bradocks at the hotel area. Who remembers fishing there. Man lots of perch and pike in those days. Not to mention the spring time crappie. I cant talk anymore it upsets me
  3. Started out at around 10:00 and boy was the snow and wind cranking Fished straight out in 33 fow. Slow pick with lots of small fish but managed 20 plus in the 9-12 inch range. Wind calmed to nothing around 2:00 and it all went dead. All big fish come off tip downs. Zero fish jigging exept for some smaller ones. Few guys out but slow for all. Did see a group of guys on I-Bay out in front of appts on south side of bay Soon that will be a ZOO!!! Good fishing to all! Check out my tip downs in clasifieds if your looking for some. Ice conditions were 5-7 inches with lots of tall drifts. Guys had machines out though. Be safe!!
  4. For sale are a set of 5 tip downs ( 5 poles and 5 bases). The poles are 24'' long. The reels are HT and come rigged with #6 stren blood line. I have found that this is the ultimate line for cold water, you and the kids can clearly see it in the snow and ice and the fish cant!!! The bases fold compact for storage and the whole rig sets up very fast. The poles have a weight balancing system. You can set them up for extremely light biting fish like crappie and walleye. They also set up to jigg the bait in light winds. I have been fishing with these for over 25 years and find they are the ultimate tip down for perch, crappie and walleye. You will not be !!!! I have sold lots of these and had no complaints on the craftsmanship and quality. I have 10 sets of 5 available for sale at this time and more in the making. ALL SOLD!! 10 more sets coming soon call and reserve a set. New posting coming soon!!! For a set of five with your choice of blaze orange or neon green tips are $75.00 a set. Feel free to call me at 585 490 4246 and ask for Jim I would be glad to answer any questions that you may have. Good fishing to all!!! OH and "TIP DOWN" !!!!
  5. When you store it you could buy some cats and turn it into a litter box. I know that will stop them fore sure Was that funny, I dont hear laughter...... No for real I had the same problem a few years back. I now hang mine in the air from the rafters. Just make sure they are dry or they will mold. If u have a cover keep a corner open.
  6. Take my advice and buy new ones. I have been a ice fanatic for some time now. I have had blade sharpened and tried all the tricks to makeing old or dull blades cut again only to buy new ones. Take my tricks and use them they will keep your blades sharp for years. I have three augers, a power auger (strikemaster) and two hand augers(lazers). I use one hand auger for cutting next to roads and bridges. Snow plows throw salt and sand and rocks to the ice and that will dull your blades fast. My other two I use on all other ice conditions.Throw a jar of petrollium jelly in your sled and after you fish for the day give them a good coating. And when you store them take them off your drill and again coat the snot out of them and place them in a container. I tell you this works and you can cut clean crisp fast holes for years. I am on my sixth season with my power auger and on my fifth with both my lazers. The "road drill is going to need them next year. Hope this helps you.
  7. Who are these people, they cant get away with it!!! They should have all thier beer taken away from them That will show them
  8. Steelies are scatered all over. This time of year they will follow the salmon to shore and hang around for a long time. I fish for them in december and january in the lake if I can get my boat in. Now fish the temps from 55 65 and you will find steelies. in november I catch some giants on inline planers with stick baits and spoons on a slow troll along the lake shore in 5-25 feet of water around the tribs. In the fall you have a hard time screwing up. The fish are there, just gotta get em going
  9. Great weekend to hang your stands!!! Get all your gear ready for bow season. Trim your shooting lanes. COOL, WINDY and no MOSQUITOES (is that spelled rite?) what could be better.
  10. To everyone that fished My-Flies this year, you know who you are, A great big thank you!!! I steped into the salmon fly building as a add on to my bucktail and jig line and with great success. Thank you for the kind words and the pictures that you sent me. I am truely sorry to those who contacted me but due to supply and demand, I could not make them fast enough. I will however build them all winter long and have enough for everyone that wants them in 2011. Thank you again to all who showed interest.
  11. I run flea flicker all year and change my leader for my fishing. From walleye to kings to steelies to browns. Leader from 10 pound floro for walleye in Erie to 20 for kings.
  12. What a giant Hope that fish makes the wall!!!!
  13. Nothing like watching your kids and family catch them.
  14. I love your energy that you are expressing It is addicting to say the least. You are hooked for life now. Nothing like watching rods pop. Good job and keep at it. You need anything just ask
  15. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):9/2 Time on Water:630-1100 Weather/Temp:sun hot Wind Speed/Direction:s/w Waves: 1-2 Surface Temp: 74 Location:Sandy east LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:6 Species Breakdown:Kings Hot Lure: Dew sd green ghost my-fly Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 75-100 Lure Depth: bottom/75-95 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS 4 kings over 18 pounds the rest skips. 1 king at 28 even on dew doc and my-fly. Sent a silver j-plud to 90 feet and had it pop in my hand and rip hard for 50-60 feet. I froze and was confused Maybe nex time. Good trip and hope its a show for whats in store. Good fishing to all. ====================
  16. Were is this catt you talk about.
  17. Why yes, yes it does Warm inside . 400 fow 49 down 90-100.
  18. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):8/20 Time on Water:600-1200 Weather/Temp:sunny 80 Wind Speed/Direction:calm Waves: 0-1 Surface Temp: 71 Location:sandy to nose LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 7 Total Boated:7 Species Breakdown:all steel Hot Lure: NBK28 Trolling Speed: Down Speed: 2.5 Boat Depth: 360-420 Lure Depth: 75-90 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS Ran to deep water to look for kings and found no kings I know they were there they were showing up on my sonar. they were in the cold water and they were big marks. All the top marks took the bait and ended up being steel. Took off around noon to find guys at the launch that got skunked.So all in all not bad I guess. Couple charters out deeper that seemed like they hade a steady pick of steelies with small kings in the mix at 480 to 500. Good fishing to all. ====================
  19. I have always parked my "cold riger" at 47-49 and always found fish there. I am learning something new by some fishing at 42. WOW that is cold to me but I guess the kings like it. If these guys say so then go with it. They all know what they are talking about. I will try colder water my self.
  20. bloodshot

    Question: Perch

    I like that also. No need for 50 fish. I perch fish a ton and am as happy with 15-20 nice ones as I am with 50. I would like to see a length limit also. Just like on crappie. I wouldnt dream of keeping a pearch under 9 inches. Maybe if I was starving. These guys get out there and keep fish that after they are cleaned you could read a newspaper through them!!!
  21. Just pack a .45, Shots fired! I didnt hear any shots fired
  22. That is clearly a blue finned round eyed thingamabobby. They spawn 7 times a year and only eat uneaten sandwiches that fishermen throw overboard. That is why they are rare. We hardly throw any food overboard let alone the steak of the sea. PBJ!!! That looks like to me a new record!!!!!
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