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  1. We caught 15 Saturday
  2. Try gunbroker.com
  3. A skunk smell lure
  4. Beaver meat or venison is best to use to fisher ether with a cubby set leaning pole or dirt hole set , they are easy to trap. Use a good skunky call lure too, but being on location is always the key
  5. Nice pike, they sure r fun to fish
  6. Fisherman72

    Found one

    Nice fish, always a pleasure to hear of people releasing the big ones
  7. Yes that's the name of it ... Thanks
  8. No, it's got a dressed hook like a buck tail jig and it doesn't have the weight on the front of the spinner like the eerie deerie has .
  9. Looking for the name of this walleyw lure, it's kinda like a inline spinner with a buck tail on it with a single hook....I've seen a pic of them posted either on this websight or another one ... Just seem to not be able to come up with the name of it ... Thanks for any help
  10. Were those pike on the black River? Or is the tourney open boundaries?
  11. If the state doesn't come up with idea, then they won't take anyone's idea..
  12. My son fished in a youth tournament this weekend out of Clayton , it was a good experience for him since he never fished the st Laurent river before... Caught a few bass and. Lost a few , mostly by skipping docks, and drop shotting. The river was busy this weekend with boat traffic,and the poker run boats !!
  13. Probably both sizes , the sire is a 13" and mother alittle over 13". Father is braziers ranger (a dog from Canada ) and mother is a trapper granger ****. Goes back to Doyle's old breeding , striker .... Located outside Watertown ny in upstate my
  14. I have a litter now, but they are not ready to go yet... Only 1 week old right now ..
  15. There is a flw tournament in Clayton this weekend plus a kids tourney , Clayton will b busy !!!
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