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Everything posted by wesson357

  1. I used once salmon belly cause I had spent all my strips and we caught the biggest kings with it. I will make strips with mackrel and I tried with shad (scaled) with sucess.
  2. cheap UV flashlight from ebay, cost 5$.
  3. Just came back from Port Darlington. Fantastic fishing ! Started on aug.12 in 90fow on first light and as soon as the sun came up, we mooved to 300fow. Saw a lot of baitfish only 20-35 f down so we placed lure between 20 and 50. The cheater and dipsy brig most of the fish all on spoon. We had about 23 hits, landing 16 fishs, half king, half steelhead. aug.13 pretty windy, nothing in 100fow. We searched a lot for baitfish till we find them in 250 fow, still fish 20-40 down, caught 6 nice fish untill my friend got badly seasick ! Have to come back at 9am just as we foud plenty of fish ! to bad. I had a great time.... not im !
  4. Hi guys, I'm very happy to discover this good forum. I learned a lot about the particular fishing in the great lakes. I fish lake Ontario (north shore) only once or twice a year. I strated this year to go often on lake Champlain for laker and salmon and the fishing is quite good for a beginner like me. Hope to read you. Mat
  5. Hi, I should go fishing in Bowmanville/port hope monday and thuesday if the weather is good. Do you have any info about fishing these days ? I have a 6h ride from home to go there so is a yearly trip. If you see me, don't be shy to say hello and share info on radio. I have a black Lund furry with honda. Thanks guys ! Mat
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