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Everything posted by rshubuck

  1. Temps were screwy but I knew that going into it. More of a spoon bite and Wonder bread being the best. 120fow seemed to be the place to be. 220 wire was deepest I went but most everything was up hight. Nothing special today but a great time! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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  2. Hopefully it will be this way for very long time! I haven’t seen the bait as heavy as I use to remember[emoji848] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. I probably should submit some photos! Never tried Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. Been out at least once ever week for a month now and it hasn’t been disappointing yet[emoji106] We been catching at least 1 rainbow every trip. Some of them were in 30ft water just coming out of Deans. Its an over looked spot[emoji6] Divers been doing most work out 280-300ft. Green and blue are hot for lakers! Fleas and weeds were bad last week but yesterday not too bad! Good luck out there. Watch out for trees with all these storms Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. I want it Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  7. Still dialing in new boat but she is catching fish! Dipsy flasher bite mostly! Riggers been quiet. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. I haven’t launched out cayuga state park in a long long time. I would have that day but wasnt sure how water level was. They just rebuilt deans cove launch Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. I have always had good luck on all shore lines especially toward south end. Just last few years though it hasn’t been too good for me though. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Been awhile since I posted anything! Hopefully be up and trolling again here real soon[emoji6] Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. I take it the mrs make you keep your deer heads in the garage.
  12. Thank You
  13. When is the fall B&B derby?
  14. I been really bad about posting reports. I too have been struggling on Cayuga but I recently made 2 trips to the south end and had pounded the salmon, browns and bows with the occasional laker. I been running sliders and it was pretty common to have 2 fish on 1 rod. It's a pain to fish with all the boat traffic but very rewarding.
  15. It's not working for me either!
  16. Yes if you got another tank and fuel line to try that would certainly help narrow your issue. You can check for water in your tank by taking a clear cup or bottle. Pop your gas line off your kicker so there is no end on it and put the gas line in the cup. Pump the ball a couple of times and if there is water in the gas it will stick out. I'm still betting its your fuel pump. If you do have an extra tank of gas and can put the tank somewhere above the motor so gravity is on your side. If the motor runs with no problems then you it's your fuel pump.
  17. Sounds like its starving for fuel as everyone is suggesting but could be a number of things. Certainly start with the fuel system. Check the filter. Check for cracked lines. I would pour some of the gas out to check for water as well. If that's all good I would bet that's its your primer ball or more likely the fuel pump. Fuel pumps are common problems but easy to replace and not too baddy priced. I don't think it would be the carb but you never know. Easy way too tell wether or not if it is a fuel problem is just before the motor dies pump the primer ball. If the motor revs a little and takes off it is most definitely starving for fuel. If its not fuel related then more likely an electrical problem but I think that's unlikely but could be a bad coil or stator and both usually present other issues. That's why I think it's unlikely. Lets us know how you make out.
  18. You won't have any problems perch fishing on Cayuga. Perch are in 2ft to 20ft of water right now. 8 -15ft being the best. You will find them on all the shore lines. On the north end you can find them by the island. I would actually work out to the middle of the lake off that island. They bite on just about anything. I like little jig heads with squirts from bass pro that look like crayfish but flat head minnows are probably the most popular. Just work them off the bottom. Hardest part is picking through all the small perch to find jacks. Good luck!
  19. We fished Myers and just past AES and back to the Boy scout camp. I blame a lot on the boat traffic. I think it shuts them down plus the late afternoon with the sun as bright as it was. Too much bait, as you guys said temps had changed as wll. Theres a lot of factors that play into it. None the less it was nice to get back on Cayuga again. Not sure if I will get out again Its getting closer to spawing time and I just assume get ready for hunting season Good to here from you guys again.
  20. We got set up a little after 3pm and the boat traffic was insane Not surprising considering it was a holiday weekend which also usually marks the end of recreational boating for some. Anyways fishing was extremely slow for us. I couldnt tell you what works. I think we pulled in mayble 5 fish. Laker, 1 bow and some ll's. Nothing big but we did manage the one bow which always makes a great day for me. 55 degree temp was down 37ft. We stayed out deep and marked a lot of bait and fish all day.
  21. Great job! Love coho's! [ Post made via iPhone ]
  22. It certainly cost a lot of money for gear but worth it. Just take your time. You will get there. I'm still working on paying off my debt But it is worth it
  23. Thats it, I'm moving to Canada! Great job!
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