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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. I learned more, caught less but larger & didn't see a skunk - although it was close.
  2. Last year - batteries and gear from Mayer's and Sutter's. They finally got busted selling the batteries for salvage...
  3. The site requires you have something like three posts before it allows you access to the PM system. It helps weed out the spammers...
  4. A lot of us change gears now in prep for archery season - too many things all calling for limited free time. I'll still fish when I can...
  5. TSM is great but the Mundial knives are only so-so; I think the price is appropriate for the quality though - not a bad thing. I prefer the Victorinox line but you're looking at $38 for the 12 inch Cimeter compared to $22.
  6. Fish browns inside of where the thermocline intersects the bottom, chase deep steelhead, target aggressive staging mature kings or just fish whatever bait pods you can find. Still lots of choices...
  7. I considered including the pictures with my post but maybe some shame blackmail will help them be nicer. Your boat may attract the googans but I'll fish with you anytime you want the company. Now I've got to go shoot my bow.
  8. http://www.glangler.com/ http://www.lakeontariooutdoors.com/
  9. You can varmint hunt at night using spotlights here. http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/45559.html
  10. I've seen it both ways. Some days, I'm the weekend warrior just putting around in my buddy's '79 Starcraft. Other days, I might be hitching a lift with a charter captain (or two or three ). Some people are just selfish (what I want is more important than what anyone else is doing) - recreational or professional has nothing to do with it. Yesterday, I was tagging along on a charter boat fishing off I-Bay. Two different boats ran up at full throttle (maybe 20 minutes apart) and literally shut it down in our wake, on top of our gear and set up their troll - 200 feet behind us. I took some terrific close-up pictures of both of them - wonder if they're fellow LOU members? It's a big lake, folks. There's room enough for all of us.
  11. Did the same; nothing derby-worthy but good numbers. Had more problems with other boaters than catching fish..
  12. Keep it and run it. The "old stuff" still catches fish - the secret that time forgot...
  13. You would clip it to the backing, not the copper or the leader.
  14. That's enough. Cost varies greatly - but so does the quality. Last I checked, prices could run up to $25 an inch depending on who you prefer to do your fish.
  15. Dead Coon Video - I like it!
  16. Eugene - we switched to Troutman87's torpedo weights. Now we can finally see our riggers since the blowback is so much less.
  17. Think 30 pound tuna... If you hook a good king, you'll know it!
  18. I understand - my wife is trying to talk me into "rescuing" a neighbor's Pit / Newfoundland puppy. I can pick up that specific knife for $12 - may have to add it to the collection...
  19. I'm impressed. You can clean my fish anytime! How's your pooch copilot?
  20. That's it exactly. Find where the thermocline intersects the bottom and troll for browns inside of that. If you're specifically targeting browns, throw lighter (8 - 12) fluoro leaders on your rigger poles. Run spoons at staggered depths with sliding or fixed cheaters to cover more of the water column.
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