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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. Not an expert but what speed are you running your presentation at? Down speeds here seem to run 2.2 to 2.7 depending on preference - gps speed will vary greatly based on conditions.
  2. Same here, west of Sandy Creek. Great picture 75 - 100 fow but no solid bite until after 10am. Dipsys' took a few short hits early but spoons on riggers did all the damage - even managed a triple, boating a good king, brown and dropping something small on the dipsy.
  3. Likewise. On board the Jolly II, Should be on the water at 6am...
  4. I've had both - very different in both taste and consistency but each delicious in their own way.
  5. On top of everything else, they consider DUI the same as DWI. A twenty year old traffic ticket makes you an undesirable alien!
  6. Nice, Matt. I haven't gotten my wife out yet this season. She also needs a flat afternoon - no 4am wake-up calls for her.
  7. If you need it online, it's "Twili Tip". They're $6.95 on Fish USA...
  8. They don't send you anything anymore. The reference number on your online receipt is all you need...
  9. Stopped in for lunch a couple weeks back and eventually noticed both girls were in Crazy Yankee T's. Now that's advertising!
  10. We had a similar fish a few weeks ago & I've seen a post or two this season regarding the same
  11. I like to go straight to the source: http://bluehorizonsportfishing.net/salmon-fishing-books-videos.html
  12. I picked up the "new" NK 28 copy so I could try a MUP rig with my Moonshine Carbon 14 mag. Not a great first impression - it's just a black blank with a tape glow eye on the front and crush glow tape on the back. Haven't had a chance to run them together yet. We'll see...
  13. Wish I could have made it. Hope a good time was had by all...
  14. Good lure separation though
  15. I'm right there with you. Hoping for my first LOC fish as well :yes:
  16. http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/topic/37772-cottage-on-sandy-creek-in-hamlin-ny/
  17. If you've never shot here, it's a great course for getting prepared for October.
  18. He's right, the book has the diagrams and explanations you're looking for and the videos help tie it all together (and that's a good price). I got mine piecemeal as I started learning & still review occasionally.
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