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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. Found the old post - http://www.lakeontariounited.com/fishing-hunting/index.php/topic/8705-new-visitor-from-finland/#entry47464
  2. The owner/designer has a user id on LOU, although he hasn't posted much. He was here a few years ago, fishing Lake Ontario...
  3. That's true. I didn't want to just cut it off, both for the bird and for the bait. Wish we had a third in the boat so I could have caught some video. Had to settle for this:
  4. No kidding! Did you make it as far east as Irondequoit Bay? We saw someone out there working the color change just west of the mouth... We bailed about 11am because of wind and waves but hit a group of coho (three rods fired almost simultaneously) halfway to Shipbuilders Creek. Also pulled in a shaker brown and our first seagull! Nailed a white & black stick 100 ft back off the boards and flew off with it. That bait's been one of our best producers so we made the bird give it back.
  5. April 6th, 2011. My buddy Charlie and I chartered with Legacy Sportfishing & hit the mega grand super slam, or whatever it's called when you catch practically everything in the lake. We were happily exhausted by lunch, boating over forty fish: browns, lakers, steelhead, kings, coho, a couple atlantics and one random smallmouth. Captain Rob ran himself ragged on that one! We haven't had a day like it since but now we do our own fishing and we keep trying. Today we caught our first seagull - Charlie reeled it in like a kite & we were able to remove our stickbait and release the bird unharmed, if a little shaken. I'll always remember my first king my first over 20 lbs my first seagull
  6. We have 4 Magda 20s and although they'll work for rigger or boards, I'm not a fan of the drags or the clickers. I'd recommend Convector (or Coldwater) 30s for dipsy use. There's a huge difference between reeling 100 feet of line with a 10 pound brown on the end vs. a 20-30 pound king ripping out 600 feet of line in 30 seconds, from a dipsy already running 180 feet out. Then the work starts. It's great - but it demands a better reel...
  7. You can use braid until the fleas show up.
  8. the cut bait they're referring to is packaged & brined, some will brine again to toughen & add color - blue, green, red... Erie Dearie is another brand but hard to find around here.
  9. That was sticking a foot out of the water a couple weeks ago. Sitting out the rain @ Sandy, waiting for the next fish feeding. Saw two trailers in the lot at noon & wondered how you'd do with the south wind you were getting. The bass are keeping me busy between feedings - having some catch & release fun. Keep hoping for a steelhead but the creek's at 55.3.
  10. Cool - I read before I had much hands-on experience and then reread afterwards. Made a huge difference with a bit of experience. I have the dvds as well; found they compliment the book material but don't replace it.
  11. I've been getting them in both sizes lately so I have the option of running matched MUP rigs later in the season. http://attheoak.com/tips.html
  12. B&E on Dean Parkway off 104 (at the windmills) has a really good selection: Clippers, Laurvicks, Jolly Releases, etc...
  13. My wife's been on a strict vegan diet for almost a year... and she just finished a bowl.
  14. Yeah, looks like its working its way through the PM system. There's another thread about it. It's been reported. Don't reply to the pm, email address or phone numbers...
  15. Mortigan

    beach trolling

    any closer and I could wade in
  16. April 10th, east of Irondequoit Bay
  17. Mortigan


    Thanks for wearing shorts. Good to see you back, Ray.
  18. Don't reply to the PM, email or telephone number either. I'll PM Chad.
  19. I'm making this for the first time today. Can't wait!
  20. easier on the liver but worse on the wallet...
  21. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I missed the premier in Ithaca...
  22. Stuart Mackenzie: "Would ya look at the size of that kid’s head! It’s a virtual planetoid and it has it’s own weather system! Looks like an orange on a toothpick! I’m not kidding, that boy’s head is like Sputnik; spherical but quite pointy at parts! Aye, now that was offsides, now wasn’t it? He’ll be crying himself to sleep tonight, on his huge pillow." I also have an enormous noggin...
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