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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. Found it here: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/33072.html 14. Can I use perch, sunfish, suckers or other angler caught fish as bait in the same water I caught them from? Yes. If the fish you caught by angling is in season, meets the minimum size limit, and is within your possession limit, you can use that fish for bait. That fish counts towards your possession limit even if it gets off the hook. Please note that perch, sunfish and most other angler caught fish cannot be collected by methods other than angling and cannot be sold as bait fish. The only species of fish that can be collected by methods other than angling and used as bait fish are minnows (except carp and goldfish), killifish, mudminnows, darters, sticklebacks, stonecats, smelt, alewives, suckers and blueback herring. Possession of endangered or threatened species is prohibited.
  2. Considering the track record we've seen the last few years (wrong address, wrong person, innocent target), although it's disturbing, I'm not bothered by law enforcement being better trained at threat identification. Looking for a fat white guy with a gun? Don't shoot this fat white guy because I'm holding a cell phone. Wasn't there a push to switch to blue silhouettes a few years ago because some idiot decided black silhouettes conditioned law enforcement to shoot black people? You just know that came from some guy making way too much money who's never touched a gun in his life.
  3. Found this near where I was set up during archery season last year.
  4. I've gotten the same advice regarding transporting the boat by trailer. If something decides to let go suddenly, you don't want to find your kicker missing when you arrive at the dock.
  5. Beauty! He's going to love that shot in 30 years.
  6. We don't have one and we still catch fish. I think we'll triple our catch rate once we can finally bite the bullet...
  7. Where are you? Hank's most recommended in his area and we've had great results with Tom Barbara in Hamlin (old Mercury Force though, not a Yamaha).
  8. Good rod, Meh reel. The Magdas will work - we have four on their second season (we're poor) that get run as rigger or big board lines. I have one Cabela's combo that paired the Okuma Convector 30D and a Depthmaster rod to run dipsy divers on wire and it's much better than a Magda, but twice the cost. If you can afford it, spend the money and get the better reels.
  9. I'd suggest running a pair of these: http://amishoutfitters.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=1&products_id=2 or sticking with using your kicker. We're similarly outfitted - 18' 1978 Starcraft, 100 hp outboard & 5hp kicker - but do most of our fishing on Lake Ontario. I've seen smaller out there but since we like going for kings as well, I wouldn't be comfortable fishing farther from shore in anything smaller. We're careful and keep a close eye on the weather. It's a great size for browns though since they're much closer to shore. We started with just the outboard and although we could hit the right speed, we just couldn't keep it there. We threw an electric trolling motor in (not a good one like yours) and could only hit 2 mph for about 2 hours in flat seas. A trolling plate gave us the right speed (2 to 3 mph - ish) but the engine hated it. We wanted a kicker for trolling as well as safety (we've had issues) and added a new 5hp. It's worked out great for trolling but it's a bit weak if the outboard dies in building seas - 1 to 3 ft turns into 3 to 5 ft REALLY fast out there. I've heard good things about the trolling bags, been on boats running them but we never tried them. I don't think you need to worry about cleats pulling out if they're properly installed. Your kicker will work fine if you stick to fishing from flat water to about 3ft, by then the waves are in charge. Tight lines
  10. Sweet - gotta try that some day!
  11. Bingo. I've actually cut back on my responses because I saw my post count. Keep in mind that most of us are just like you, Pap, at various stages of the learning curve (right at the beginning, in my case). We tend to read as things come in as new, so you'll get lots of members looking before you hit someone that can answer your question (which was a good one, by the way). Tight lines.
  12. foggy March fishing for browns, 2012
  13. I'd think regional water clarity, light levels, bait type & size would cause differences between what works best at any given location, day and time. That said, I think personal experience is more valuable that knowing exactly what another fisherman prefers. Differences between boats and equipment will change how anything runs slightly.
  14. they drive my wife crazy! I'd really miss them...
  15. Nice, Rob. Your son's going to get Popeye arms, landing fish like that.
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