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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. I was out of town for this one but I fished in it last year. I think it was the same - just top 5 in each division, plus the grand prize.
  2. Orleans County Derby grand prize winner. Currently in the lead for the 2012 LOC grand prize - by 0.06 pounds. Go, Kurt!
  3. Here you go: http://orleanscountytourism.com/wordpre ... rd/page/2/
  4. I don't know where you get off making a statement like that. If you bothered to read the rules of this site you'd find there are restrictions on what is allowed. It is the job of the Moderators to keep this ship on an even keel & DELETE any posts that do not adhere to the RULES that were supposed to be read when you joined the site. We try to give some leeway where we can but sometimes the rules are blatantly broken, THUS the reason for the deletes. We do not RANDOMLY delete things as you so facetiously stated nor do we drink too much cough syrup as you so ignorantly posted. If you feel the need to question a topic or post that has been edited or deleted, feel free to ASK a Mod or the Admin. via PM. In the interm, Be Kind • Be Courteous • Be Respectful Easy - I thought it was obvious that I was kidding. Mostly. I'm sure it's not random and I assume that cough syrup isn't involved. Muskybob - I've never seen you to be anything other than pleasant and helpful - and you can cook. I sent you a PM. I have seen a few responses disappear, both my own and others, where there seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. I think the first time it was so random I questioned whether there was a system problem. There's what, half a dozen of you with the ability to delete comments? When you do, the parties involved don't know and the system doesn't show that a deletion occurred or who did it. It can be confusing for everyone involved.
  5. Nice shootin', Tex. I'm sticking with my old Mathews and trying to figure out a bow/rod schedule with the new earlier start date.
  6. If he can drop to a 5hp, Charlie's got one new in the box that he wants to get $1000 for. It's Tohatsu-made, branded Coleman.
  7. Repeat after me - "I will not test for live wires by putting them in my mouth".
  8. The moderators occasionally drink too much cough syrup and start randomly deleting things. I tried ranting about it - but those kept disappearing too. They're mostly cool...
  9. He's talking about 7-strand (probably) stainless wire, used to run dipsy divers with either flasher/fly combos or with spoons. Sounds like he was running flies off his dipsies.
  10. Worst case - if they're running copper off big planer boards, they could have line out more than 100 ft to each side and up to 1500 ft (assuming a 600 copper, 300 yards of backing and one big fish, headed for the hills) behind the boat.
  11. viewtopic.php?f=2&t=16261&p=92132&hilit=underground#p92132
  12. Along the same line - is there a "standard" for what to do if you're on a charter and land a LOC winner (in any category)? I'm familiar with salt water tournaments that split payouts according to shares but how does it (or should it) work here?
  13. See - proof that alien fish have landed and are taking over...
  14. I think there was a recent thread (last 30 days?) that listed all of them...
  15. How can you tell it's a Coho?? http://www.seagrant.sunysb.edu/glsportf ... io2012.pdf Anal fin shape, tail shape and gum color. I hadn't noticed - which shows how new I am.
  16. If you launch out of Sandy Creek, it's the point you see a few miles to the west. It's kind of the dividing line between the Oak Orchard and Sandy Creek fisheries.
  17. Are you sure it didn't lose a fight with Kurt's laker?
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