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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. I found an old thread that Tim commented on, discussing coho/chinook hybrids. I think that's what it was - and it's dinner tonight. Thanks for the help guys. Pike Hunter - I grew up on the Webster side & we had a boat at Mayers but never knew you could catch steelhead in the bay. The boat got used more for skiing and then dinner at Jack Daniels (now the Bayside) with the occasional perch for my little sister. We'd hit the piers at Charlotte (where my dad grew up) or head to Sodus when we were looking for something bigger.
  2. That's the reference I started with . You are absolutely right about the anal fin - but the tail isn't fully spotted. The fish has a coho mouth (black mouth & white gums), a king anal fin, tail spotting that doesn't fit either and three spots on its head like an Atlantic. It's Frankenfish. Do Coho and Chinook ever crossbreed?
  3. Good talking to you guys yesterday. Looking forward to fresh fish for dinner tomorrow!
  4. We saw you as well. Big difference in ride between your 10 meter and our 18ft Starcraft. We got bounced around pretty good there at the end.
  5. Don't think I've seen that mentioned but I am pretty new...
  6. I did the same yesterday, using a dipsy with the release set heavy. Made me a little nervous running 950 ft of wire out behind the boat on I Bay but there weren't many boats out.
  7. I may just have to settle for being able to pick salmon from trout - lol. From what I've read this weekend, all-black mouth & gums = chinook, black mouth with white gums = coho, white mouth & gums = atlantic. If that's always true, then it was a coho. The tail spotting seems atypical though - along the upper edge as you'd expect but also along the lower edge. I don't know if mouth coloration or tail spots are rules or just true most of the time.
  8. Send your lure out to the distance you want, connect the line to the release and the release to the planer line. Let more line off the reel and the lure resistance will pull the release down and out on the planer line. Just stop letting out line when it gets to where you want it, make sure the drag is set properly and drop the rod in a holder. Repeat. Just started last season. Takes a little getting used to but they work great.
  9. Send your lure out to the distance you want, connect the line to the release and the release to the planer line. Let more line off the reel and the lure resistance will pull the release down and out on the planer line. Just stop letting out line when it gets to where you want it, make sure the drag is set properly and drop the rod in a holder. Repeat. Just started last season. Takes a little getting used to but they work great.
  10. leadcore's just a dacron sheath, shouldn't bother guides at all. 7-strand wire, on the other hand, is extremely abrasive. Maybe that's what you heard about?
  11. You're right - it's a coho. The mouth was black with light colored gums, not an all white mouth.
  12. That's what I thought at first but the tail isn't fully spotted & it has three spots on it's head. Wouldn't that be an atlantic? I'm pretty new at this...
  13. and tasty... Yellow hit for us as well this morning. The water color was perfect from the mouth of I Bay eastward. If it had only been less rough...
  14. That's sweet. I just loaded wire on a reel for the first time yesterday and it was a huge pain in butt by myself.
  15. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: Forever Young ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s):4-7-12 Time on Water: 8:30am - 1pm Weather/Temp: 36 & clear Wind Speed/Direction: 7mph nw Waves: 1-3 Surface Temp: 45.4 Location: Irondequoit Bay & eastbound LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 6 Total Boated: 5 Species Breakdown: 2 browns, 2 steelhead, 1 king Hot Lure: Walmart special - yellow knockoff daredevil spoon Trolling Speed: 2.2 - 2.5 Down Speed: unknown Boat Depth: 8 - 12 fow Lure Depth: 5 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== We started late and found the lake to be fishable for our 18 ft Starcraft but only just. Charlie ran out the planer boards and had a small brown hit a silver & black stick as he was letting out our first line. Took a king & a brown over the next couple hours on the Walmart spoon before the wind & waves forced us off the lake and into the bay. limited traffic allowed us to run riggers and boards there as well and produced two nice dropback steelhead - one just south of the bridge (eastern side, southbound) & one mid-bay as we swung back around in front of Bay Village. Fun morning - and all for less than 1 gallon of gas in the kicker! Got to wrap up by comparing notes dockside with the guys from Bahtender - glad you stopped to say hello.
  16. Nice timing. Helped me identify the salmon we caught this morning - a small (6.5 lb) atlantic.
  17. might see you out there - tan Starcraft called Forever Young. Good luck.
  18. I remember when you started talking about it. It came out great - your friend does good work.
  19. Good choice. My buddy tried out of I-Bay this morning in his 18ft Starcraft and the waves were too high.
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