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Everything posted by Mortigan

  1. My spot is less than half a mile from the creek mouth so it gets a new load of fish anytime the water level goes up. If it still gets fished like when I was a kid, the local teenagers hammer on them. Anything not brand new is severely line-shy.
  2. I also shoot a 70lb Mathews - and just ordered a set of 2 blade Rage.
  3. Interesting start. Pulled into empty parking at 6pm @ my favorite micro-trib - and found a dead, milked salmon in the middle of it. got to soak a line for 45 minutes, watched the submarine races start in the deep pool as the sun set. It's nice to see they still make it - I hate that someone's killing and dumping the carcasses.
  4. I picked a good year to start learning. My buddy and I booked our first Lake O charter and opened with all six species of trout & salmon. Hell of an opening...
  5. Good information - thank you very much. I got a couple cortisone shots in the back, sorted my gear for the trib regs and bought a new Ranger net. I'll make it out this week (finally) and see if I can actually catch something.
  6. I understand that the 2" are better when using a whisker biscuit type rest, providing less resistance. I use a drop away rest and have used helical 4" feathers, helical 4" vinyl, straight 4" vinyl & straight 2" blazers. I wouldn't mix and match across groups but all are pretty consistant within each group. You can always buy what's on sale and easily refletch to your preference.
  7. New Age fishing - E-chip tech to be replaced with crystal power?
  8. Falconer's? Might get a chance to try them out this season if I get lucky; have a farm in Wyoming to hunt this year. Costanza's makes a great summer sausage but is the most expensive; I don't much like their sticks either. Wilson came highly recommended last year by some guys I met hunting Keeney Swamp but then I never saw a deer..
  9. The little info I find suggests shallow, 20 fow out to 60 fow (looking for bait), early am or late afternoon best. Some guys were doing well just parking it and casting spoons off the river mouths. I've got one friend having the time of his life out in his kayak at sundown. Whatever you do, have fun and let us know how it goes.
  10. Looks like the alewife that tried to inhale my NBK Stingray this summer.
  11. From what I've read here (haven't tried myself), fishing offshore now is similar to spring fishing for browns. Fish the temp, looking for bait in say 40 to 60 fow. flatlining, riggers and boards all effective depending on day but spoon colors better darker due to salmon color change. can catch steel, browns & occasional salmon.
  12. Mortigan


    With the weather forecast, I'm sure it will be.
  13. Pricey is right. I hope some day I own a boat worth as much as your troll motor - lol.
  14. Sorry, Jekyl. Glad you didn't suffer any permanent damage.
  15. I'd love to see one up close some day. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Bump Anybody new to add to the list? 'Tis the season...
  17. Bump Deer season's here again. Let's all come back in one piece.
  18. I love my API but it's their monster climber, the grand slam magnum supreme. I thoroughly recommend the brand, just check out their bowhunter models.
  19. Good point. I've been lucky enough to have access to both this season (thanks to a friend's boat and a couple charters). Hope I can hook up in a creek and compare the two.
  20. I'm not suggesting anyone stop fishing for runnning salmon. My first taste was driftboat fishing the Salmon River last year for steelhead and watching 40lb salmon swim by me - incredible! I'm just asking what I can expect from catching one, assuming I'm able. Do they still have the power to battle, assuming I'm using lighter tackle (just a personal preference). Can they be caught and released, leaving them the energy to finish their spawn?
  21. very nice. hope to try for catfish next season for the first time. Different but sounds like fun.
  22. Ok, so they don't taste good, are only in the creek to spawn (and die), are hard to catch (legally) and are running out of energy so don't fight like when they're in the lake. Why are people lined up to catch them then? Is it just a trophy thing? I realize that may be incredibly naive of me but I've never fished for salmon during their run before.
  23. On the same topic, what about lakers? I kept one (my first) from a charter on April 30th and it was delicious. I had a grilled fillet from one caught by a buddy in July and it was flavorless mush. Does the season (water temp, maybe) change the edibility?
  24. Good to know. I release most of what I catch anyway but I'll have to be particularly choosy if I keep a salmon now. Thanks.
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