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July 26, 2010
Last visited
February 28, 2023
Everything posted by dalleydouble
T/C will never let you down!
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
You might get an additional 15' of depth
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Igloo STX165...great cooler for the money. I've had for 3 years no issues
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Fishing was great this afternoon, went 7 for 7 on Kings. Biggest was 24. 200-240 just east of Wilson was good for us. Gold belly spoons was the ticket
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Open motor housing and clean all wires and connections. I had to due this to a couple of my big jon brutes. Water gets into motor housing and causes lots of corrosion. Hope this helps
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I think I'll be out fishing....sorry bg
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
These guys have a good selection. www.bigwatertackle.com
Sent from my SGH-S959G using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Its my air conditioner running....thanks for the concern...Vanilla Whale owner
Nick, nice meeting and talking with you today, thanks for the great deal on the net!
Try Bretts Place on the Bay. http://www.brettsplaceonthebay.com/cate ... Levelwind/
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Slippery Sinker in Olcott has a couple on the shelf
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I ordered from them last month, had the same issue of pending payment, but my order did arrive within 7 business days. I never received an email stating it shipped and the payment cleared the day after I received the product. Hope this helps.
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not much?
at least double the price of other types
The price is reasonable, not much more than the 15#torpedos. Here's the link
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Try this link below, I picked up my boards and extra keels here. Good price and the extra keels come with directions to mount
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PM sent
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PM sent
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Yes they are Chautauqua Tony, pm sent to you with my phone #. Give me a call
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Have you checked into the Okuma Solterra SLR-50L. This reel easily holds up to 800' of copper and substantial backing. Very nice reel and the price is reasonable. Im sure A-TOM-MIK would set one up for you if your looking for a loaded reel. If you want to rig it up yourself, like I did, keep an eye on ebay. I picked up a couple brand new ones for less than $130. Good luck and tightlines.
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Accepting reasonable offers
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Try this link to weatherunderground, I've been using it for a couple years and it has been very helpful
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PM sent
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