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Everything posted by dickey

  1. As of 5:26, I just got back from Braddocks as we (lakeshore FD, north greece FD and Hilton FD) had to rescue 2 victims that fell through. Another person was able to walk off safely.
  2. Be careful! My FD just rescued people from Braddocks today that fell through the ice and rescued people at Sandy last week. As an assist to our friends at Lake Shore FD - Monroe County, shortly ago they responded for the people fallen through the ice in Braddock Bay near West Point Marina. Luckily everyone that fell through the ice were able to remove themselves and are all safe, however as a notice, Braddock Bay has 6 inches of ice or less and with the weather forecasts this week, that ice will greatly deteriorate. Please reconsider venturing out onto the bay or any of the ponds as it appears our ice season has drawn to a close.
  3. Yesterday afternoon, Lake Shore responded to Hamlin automatic mutual aid for two kayakers trapped on the ice. The victims had Kayaked down Sandy Creek until they encountered ice packing from warmer weather earlier this week. The thawing and refreezing created a 150 foot area of uneven ice covered terrain over rocks and void spaces (picture 1). Once rescuers traversed the flood creek bed, they found the kayakers in a 100 foot wide section of creek with small and large chunks of ice and debris (picture 2). Rescuers entered the water and found swift water / ice water conditions which created a unique rescue situation. Victim 1 was rescued by Hamlin and Lake Shore personal within minutes of arrival. Three Lake Shore Firefighters then traversed the current and ice debris field to reach victim 2. Lake Shore was joined by Hilton Fire personnel in the water and on shore that assisted with victim and rescuer removal from the creek. Coordinated command and operations by Hamlin, Hilton, Lake Shore and Brockport made for a successful rescue. Melting this time of the year can create unique situations in cold conditions. Please be sure of your surroundings before you travel out in the waterways.
  4. And here I thought I was your good luck charm. Guess it’s you! Another nice gesture by you taking others fishing. Rick
  5. I actually think that having scent from a previous fish increase my chances. I have certain spoons and flies that take fish most trips and I never clean them. Like they are seasoned. Maybe it is just me! Rick
  6. Devon, Thanks for treating me nicer than Bill did. In all honestly it’s always nice to meet others that share the same passion. Good luck buddy! Rick
  7. Not everyone gets to fish with experts like you do! lol
  8. Tell Tommy I missed him at work today.
  9. I love it. Does everything I want from it. If you ever want to see the layout and room just PM me.
  10. Nice job, I think we launched close to same at the dock. I have the maroon Starcraft. Glad to see the kids had fun.
  11. Bill, what length when running your Gary D rig?
  12. Dipsey to flasher - length of rod flasher to fly - 24”
  13. Fine tuned welding on Facebook. Great products and finish. I got fixed triples. Rick
  14. I took the fire boat out on eclipse day and it was less than 2’ in certain spots of the channel hugging west side. Was hoping it would improve but always seems to be shallow there.
  15. Roy’s Boys, do you have both hooked up to your HB and you just toggle between transducers on the touch screen or do you have to unhook and plug in the other each time in back of unit? Thanks
  16. I contacted airmar and they said I need a P66-DT-HB
  17. Does anyone run an Airmar P66 transducer for their Humminbird? If so do you see an improvement over the stock HB transducer? It was suggested to run this transducer over the stock transducer for my Helix 9. It will be for trolling on a 196 Fishmaster on Lake O. Thanks, Rick
  18. So let’s clarify…. 1. I am not fun to fish with. 2. I don’t have a Beautiful big boat and really cool electronics and systems. 3. I am not Fun just to watch. 4. I catch lakers. I am heart broken! Lol
  19. Bill, After fishing with Rob your never gonna want to fish with me again. I can’t produce fish #’s like that.
  20. Took the fire boat for a ride from the marina to the lake today. Bay was 2-3’ deep and channel was as low as 1.7’ in certain spots. Just a FYI.
  21. Capt. Rick, Do you get your McCoy line from McCoy directly or buy from a certain retailer? Thanks!
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