C'mon Jeremy! Save some flies and spinnies for us Pa. weekend warrior boys! See ya soon boy! Get those twin MERCURY's ready! Nice steelhead ya been catchin!
Dear Tom,
If you can't catch fish at the Oak then you better go to fishing school!
2nd, if you need info about night life just give me a ring!
I agree with you that Oswego has lot's of potential for a top notch fishery port. If the fishing on the lake in Oswego is as good as it is on land then I would have voted for it. Maybe next year it will get my vote!
Capt. Hucklebucker
My team and myself travel all over Lake Ontario every season! We fish from Sandy Pond, NY. to as far as Bluffers Canada. We have tested every drinking hole and every fishing hole! We have met many of crazy fisherman like myself. We spend tons of money on fuel,lodging,docking, and nightlife just to fish the Big O! Our home port is Oswego in the fall, Wilson in the spring! Don't get me wrong I love both of these places very much! However, my choice is by far the Oak! This port has it all! Those guys at the Oak just have fish blood running thru their veins! For what reason? Because the fishing there is the most consistant I have ever seen on the lake. Why else would our team run from Oswego to the Oak at 11 o'clock at night to prefish for the Sodus Pro-am? So I am with you Paul! for Oak Orchard!
I gave up hucklebucking for lent! It's been a long winter boys! I am turning over a new leaf! I never under estimate any fisherman, pro or am, small boat or big, resident or non-resident, Canadian or American, drunk or sober, spoon fisherman or fly fisherman, male or female, we have all had our butts handed to us on a platter by all of the above at one time! This tournament will be AWSOME!!!!!!!!!! Rubbing elbows with Ontario's finest!!! This Labatt Blue is for you Kevin and crew!
P.S. Pressman, Nog will have the cold ones waiting for ya!
The Situation?lol
On May 13th I will be the Capt. of the SCREAMER lol
2005 Prince Craft 16 Holiday DLX with 2005 Mercury 40HP EFI 4-stroke engine with 1 year warranty still on it. This boat has many extra's! Hummingbird fishfinder with GPS, 3 boat covers with support poles, seat covers, sun umbrella, built in 6 gal tank, spare tire, transom steps, transom saver,guide ons,service and owners manuals,plus more! VERY CLEAN! Asking $5,995.00 Call Dave @ 570-241-6831 Won't Last!
1982 Smokercraft , 1997 Mercury 60 H.P. with power trim and oil injection. This is a walk-thru windshield,cover, bimini top,newer #40 Minnkota bow mount trolling motor.Has new carpet and seats. Heavy duty roller trailer with new tires! Engine was just serviced at Marina. This is a perfect boat for Finger Lakes and Lake Ontario Brown trout fishing! This rig is ready to go! No work needed! Asking $2,595.00 Call Dave @ 570-241-6831
The Screamer boat will be coming to a port near you this season! Had a team meeting with the boys and decided to postpone any offers or the sale of our boat until late july.The price will be reduced! She will be spit-shined and redecaled for the up and coming tournament season. It will be an honor to fish aboard her once again during one of the most exciting tournaments seasons ever! The SCREAMER ATOMMIK TEAM will see you all on the water. First stop! Niagara Bar!
Thanks Again, The Screamer Boys!
In case that boat doesn't work out for you, I have a 16ft smokercraft with a 60 hp mercury and trailer that is in excellent shape. Boat is an 1982, Outboard is about ten years newer. Asking 2,995.00 Dave 570-241-6831
KIT#5 These are 8 inch attractors. $50 or best offer! New price
KIT#6 These are 11 inch Bechold attractors. $40 or best offer! New price!
KIT#10 These are 11 inch BIG SHOOTER Flashers. Get all 8 for $50 obo New price!
Contact Dave @ 570-241-6831
a 26 pound package would cost anywhere from $60 to $80. Not getting involved with sending them to Canada. Too much trouble. Sorry. I can always send them to Wilson Ny. and you can pick them up. Thanks Dave
Nice video Team Pressman! However, I did notice that your a little slow getting to that dipsey rod while your sitting down in the chair! Mistakes like that can cost you in the Wilson Invitational! Our kings on this side of the border are more fierce!lol Just bustin ya buddy! Glad your coming! See you at the dock!