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Everything posted by anniep

  1. Got twelve cold water reels on my boat. Like the reel but drag sucks. That is from very time i bought them. Cant' back off drag with a big fish running . Got to crank reel a bit then you can back off the drag. It seems Okuma has still not corrected the problem. Should not have to have all of these drags updated on my dime. Just saying. Got to call company i guess. Want to buy some more but not unless problem is corrected.
  2. I am very depressed now as i thought i need all three hundred flys on my boat.
  3. Got to love the dou-lock system. Almost too easy. Got one on all two hundred flashers and S-D
  4. Does anybody on the forum have a solution for cables balling up on cannon riggers while retrieving?
  5. Thanks so much for the info. Just trying to get away from cable balling up on the spool .Maybe someone has a solution to this problem.
  6. ANY WAY to run braid on cannons t make short stop work
  7. All of these reels have done this from right out of the box. Love the reels hate the drag.
  8. Got ten of those reels 303ds and hate the fact you can't loosen the drag under pressure of a big running king. Is there a fix? Thanks
  9. Long short but did you sell your ap2000 king auto piolet? Thanks Looking for one.
  10. Wanted AP 2000 King Auto pilot PM me if anybody has one or has info. Thanks
  11. Thanks talked to them yesterday all set .Thanks again
  12. Hi Jeremy, Just checking to see by chance if you still have king auto pilot? Thanks pal.

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  13. Hi Dandi, interested in the king. Do you know by chance if the guy who bought that unit installed it? I need some parts for mine . Thanks pal.

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    1. dandl


      i have no idea


    2. anniep


      Thanks for your quick response. I have one with problems on my 27 Sportscraft. If you should hear of another one let me know if you can . Thanks again for the response. FISH ON    Charter Lake Ontario NY.

  14. Hi Gasman, miss read your post. I thought you had an old ap2000 king. Mine when handle is activated wheel turns to port about quarter turn of the wheel then doesn't change after that. If you turn off and then back on same thing occurs. ?????????? would you possible have an old manual? Thanks pal.
  15. Hi gasman, do you still have king auot pilot?

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  16. Sorry Doug didn't notice you had sold u GOT nit until after I called you. Got one of these on my Sportscraft that has problems. They are hard to find as they no longer make them. Sorry to bother you.
  17. Call Tony at Great lakes Planners great guy and a great product. I run his captain deluxe on my charter boat and love the system.
  18. My go to spoons for kings and lakers are Finger Lakes Tackle spoons. Not a better painted spoon on the market in my opinion. Got lots of NK's but run FLTS AS THEY WORK AND ARE BULLET PROOF. Nks are a good spoon but hard to get now. Love my Fullers.
  20. He will have to work around the clock when he returns. Great product.
  21. How deep does a 2color ,4color and a 6 color lead core run? Say 2.2 speed Clean spoon. New to lead rods. Thanks
  22. Saw a picture on this forum on the instalation of half keel big jon. Need some help to find directions on in stall. Thanks Happy Fishing all,
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