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Dr. Fish

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Everything posted by Dr. Fish

  1. I used to sell those plugs and I can tell you that 100% for sure those are Blakemore lures. Same company that makes the famous RoadRunner Jigs. Was a rep for them, several years back. Still have some sitting around here somewhere. [ Post made via Mobile Device ]
  2. The technique has worked well on Owasco, Skateateles and Cayuga as well for me. As for the dropped fish that some have had issues with, you need to dump the trebles and use an assist hook up at the top of your vertical jig. These are a single hook attached to Spectra or some other type of cordage. This gives you a good hook up percentage but a greatly improved landing ratio. When you attach this to the top of the lure, the weight of the lure pulls the hook into the fish during the fight and keeps your fish hooked up. A treble or single at the bottom is constantly getting bumped by the lure, knocking it out of the fishes jaw. We have also had luck targeting salmon in open water around bait schools. [ Post made via Mobile Device ] If you are not familiar with an assist rig, here is a link to one for reference. http://www.mustad.no/catalog/product.php?id=2198
  3. Glad to see talk about jigging. I've been Butterfly jigging in the salt for several years now and have just plain cleaned up. I have, over the poast 3 years, been carrying over the technique over to the fresh and it's been working like a charm. Worked an outdoor writer event in May out of Lewiston and we abused the Lakers and managed a Steelhead, and Atlantic and a Chinook as well as a few Smallie's. We were using the Shimano Butterfly jigs in the 55gr size. Our big fish was just over 25 pounds!
  4. Thanks Chad!
  5. Name: Jeff Pierce Location: Scottsville, NY Home Port: all over the globe Boat Name/Type: I fish for: everything that swims in both salt and freshwater ================== Hello Everyone Finally had a little time to get registered on this great website. I love seeing so many folks chatting about our amazing fishery here. I'm the Sales Manager at O. Mustad & Son (World's largest fish hook manufacturer) as well as sone of the hosts of The New Fly Fisher TV which is based in Canada. I've been a hard core angler, both fly and conventional (lures and bait) for over 30 years now. Ran a charter boat with a guy for several years out of Pt. Breeze and Braddock's back in the 80's and early 90's as well as deckhanded on boats from Pulaski top the Niagara Bar. With my position at Mustad, I fish all over North America and venture around the globe as well. I chase everything from Bluegill's to Blue Marlin. Suffice to say, if it has fins and gills, I've probably caught it, or at least tried to. Looking forward to chatting it up with folks here.
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