I built a pair 10 years ago to mimic a leading type. There were some interesting things to take into concideration. To help run true and pull hard and not dive in heavy seas there are some things you can do.
1. Weight the boards on the bottem. I routered out a groove and embedded stick on wheel weight material
2. This weight should be bias toward the trailing edge of the boards. This helps them to not dive
3. Rather than running the boards parellal, add Toe in to your boards just like a car
4. Add camber to your boards, Think of how they are going to pull from an elevated mast and tweak them for more bite.
These have worked great for me to include pulling a 400, and a 500 copper last year. Now everything can be improved. this last year I left mine in the live well. The submerged one no longer floated. Man did that one pull hard and out this spring but it would sink on an inside turn. My next set are going to be 3ft long and 11in tall . Weighted heavilly to put as much board "Keel" in the water as possible. That appears to be the ticket to me. My old ones are 24in long.
These were made of pine wraped with hobbie weight fiberglass.