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Everything posted by orangediablo

  1. Damn, some good stuff there. If you are willing to separate lot 2 down the road, shoot me a PM
  2. the first two paragraphs say all you need to know.... https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/mar/9/coronavirus-stop-the-hysteria/?utm_source=ForAmerica&fbclid=IwAR1UaksCZ0EO__niLqvMb4_ZPEHgVV_MG5KT15AXnmgMADGy2SKR9Em5L9c
  3. They Dems are in shambles with their elects....sooooo....OMG the FLU! PANDEMIC! EVERYONE LOOK AWAY! It's a proven pattern. Ok, no more politics on this thread. Carry on.
  4. There's no crowd in the woods or lake. Guess I better spend more time there.
  5. $735 + the ride.
  6. If you guys could hunt them year round, what tactics would you change (if any) in the spring? Something like April-May?
  7. I bet you can get Nikons cheap now, as they are no longer producing rifle scopes. For hunting around here, i'm still a Leopold guy. I bet you can get a VX2/VX-ii 4-12 for under $250 or so if you look hard enough. A lot of people will say go Vortex which isn't a bad option, but I prefer leupold of the nikon and Vortex I have for hunting. here you go:https://www.ebay.com/itm/Leupold-VX-Freedom-4-12x40-Riflescope-1-inch-Duplex-Matte-Black-178253/392691929012?epid=22036498199&hash=item5b6e434fb4:g:-DkAAOSw97peS4j-
  8. Budget? What features are important to you? Set it and forget it? Turret twister?
  9. I've got a higher end scope for sale built (reticle) for a 308, so obviously that one. pm if interested. First question would be, what are you using the rifle for? Hunting deer in thick woods or ringing steel at 1k?
  10. A buddy of mine makes a trip from Cleveland to Lake O twice a year and once a year to CA for last 5 years. 10ft beam, no permit, never an issue.Know it may not be the right thing to do, but just throwing it out there.....
  11. Overthinking it. I've used multiple colored main line (clear/green/chartreuse mono, green/yellow braid), never noticed a difference. Even ran some of that mono straight to the lure, no leader. Again, never noticed a difference, except the constant retying due to damaged line, hence the need for flouro leader.
  12. Figured i'd have to go that route. Every place wants to sell the whole package.
  13. Anyone know where I can just buy the hoop and net (Beckman) WITHOUT the handle?
  14. When tuning my Blacks, I use my scale or trigger scale and set the release 1.75-2lbs for walleye and 4-5lbs for salmon (No rubber bands). Depends if I'm pulling a spoon/FF/meat. I also like a little heavier on the release, I think I get a little better hookset, but that's pure speculation. Heavier set also allows me to crank down on the rod a bit more.
  15. Will there be a shortage of Chinese food?
  16. Foxpro XR6, upgraded, so this needs to go. $115 plus ship.
  17. Early spring? Hell, why not late winter fishing??
  18. For those who don't know what Mighty Taco is, you can replace it with a double dose of Taco Bell
  19. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1GAFcym6ZPB7LZkGj9Y_w We get a bunch of content during Pro Am, so be on the lookout after the events
  20. Shoot me a text/call. 7169837637 Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. I did. check your messages
  22. PMs replied
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