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Everything posted by orangediablo

  1. up
  2. Rod holders are gone. Just the rigger left. someone needs a Mag10.....
  3. What sea trout?
  4. updated. 2 rod holders and cannon rigger left. Shoot me some offers.
  5. Box of 8 small dodgers, 7 if you don't include the red devil. $40 with the box.
  6. I run the leader through a bead twice. No crimps, toothpicks.....Still fairly easy to adjust distance between beads/teasers. I have yet to have a break off due to a weak point where the beads are. Like Sk8man, I use 50lb flouro.
  7. Nothing like introducing a problem to fix something that wasn't broken
  8. An issue fixed broadheads don't have.
  9. This weekend, my buddy and I each took a doe. Took mine at 10 yards. Was going to be a neck shot (facing me, not the best decisions, but....), as soon as I was about to release, she put her head down and hit her just left of the shoulder blade..She expired within 10 seconds and 10 ft from where she was hit. The arrow traveled the length of her body with the broadhead sticking out of the inside of her rear leg. Wac 'Em 4 blade. At about the same time, my buddy hit his doe at 25yds. Bled well, but lost sign after about 150 yds. Went looking the next day (deer ended up doubling back and going into the thick stuff) and found it another 150 yds from where we lost it the day before. Arrow entered right behind the shoulder and exited just below the sternum. Found arrow with the deer, Rage Hypodermic. I know this is an apples and oranges comparison, but add it to the evidence pile.
  10. Sorry for delay. Here are pics of all spoon in the box. Mixed bag, majority old school, NKs, a few pirates..... Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Pics Sent from my SM-G965U using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  12. Used for a few months, maybe 80-100 rounds. Not a fan of the reticle for what I am using it for. Perfect condition, have all paperwork, box, etc. Awesome scope, excellent glass. Has the RZ-1000 reticle $800 Pics this weekend, hopefully on its last range trip.... Link to description: https://www.zeiss.com/content/dam/SportsOptics/usa/pdf/ZEI_4384_HD5Flyer_SinglePgHR.pdf
  13. It's a mixed bag. I"ll see if I have any pics of what's in the box
  14. Might have one or two. I'd have to look.
  15. Yup. Still have em
  16. Buffalo area
  17. except the closest house to me is about 15ft, so that isn't an option. haha
  18. you can watch as much as you want, but real world experience is a little different....
  19. if anyone wants to show me the ropes for coyote hunting...shoot me a pm
  20. This
  21. Yea I picked up a Tiara 2700. But still really wanted to see this boat. Looks perfect. If you need to let some rods/reels go, shoot me a pm.
  22. NNOOOOWWWW you wanna sell it.....
  23. Say one wanted to try and jig for these chickens......how would one go about doing it?
  24. I'm with Passalugo. Switched to Wac 'em 3 and 4 blade broadheads and they are nearly as accurate out to 40 yards (as far as I care to shoot at deer) as my field tips. I've taken multiple deer with them from 15-35 yards and have yet to damage one. (tested multiple times and still fly true). And can usually find them for a cheaper price than most broadheads.
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