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Everything posted by orangediablo

  1. 2001 Arctic cat zr800 up for sale. Has about 2900 miles, newer studded track (144 I believe), reverse, twin D&D pipes (not "piped sled" loud), D&D clutch kit, D&D airbox, Delta Force 2 reeds, aftermarket windshield, 2 accessory bags, ski skins, raised bars, stator was replaced two years ago as well as new piston and jug. Sled is fast and runs like a champ and always kept in enclosed trailer. $2500/offer
  2. For trolling, i doubt you'll need 1080p 60fps unless you have a lot of room to put the files. If you're doing something with a lot of action, go for it. That setting might be a little overkill, but still works!!
  3. Multiple batteries, handlebar mount, (depending where you mount on the boat, maybe the floaty backdoor in case it decides to take a dip). I've been using iMovie on my Mac, but with any video software, there is gunna be a steep learning curve to begin. Even though I have three batteries and a charger on board, I still use the 720p setting with 30fps I believe. With any kind of HD video, it's gunna take up space. Lotsa space. IIRC, each file will be about 4gb per full length video (on my setting. May also due to the format it is recorded in). If you plan on recording all weekend, a single 32gb card will be tight. With the prices of class 6 or 10 SD cards, there's no reason to not have multiple cards available. On a side not about the battery, I found that after a few FULL cycles, the battery did last a bit longer.
  4. and what do you use to sharpen them bad boys?? And you should turn that spoon the other way. If the hook is dull, prolly gets worked over often. you should show us what it is
  5. First replacement hooks I bought were Owner and never had a reason to change brands. Nasty sharp outta the package and darn tough.
  6. low light, 42nd SD with black/purple/glow fly. Daytime, Livewire SD with ITO Green Dolphin
  7. damn I hate those things
  8. Still one of the best fishing stories I've heard when you caught that.!!
  9. register the trailer in Main. It's good for two years, MUCH cheaper, and no inspection required. Assuming someone takes care of their boat, they also take care of the trailer. Been doing it for years on multiple types of trailers, never had any issues. edit. Whoops. Just saw Bigfoot's post. Agree 100%.
  10. I know when they get to close when they have to lift their dipsy rod so the line doesn't hit my board.
  11. Not to discredit your experience this year on Erie for 'eyes, but it was like last year for Kings on LO. It was stupid good this end of the lake. Anything in the water was getting hit...and often. Plus if you lost a ball on rigger (running cable), just tie the same wire not you use on your wire dipsies.
  12. God I had IE. I only use it when I'm forced to, and this is an example why. Chrome or Opera is the only way to go.
  13. Fished this boat a handfull of times. Rides nice, trolls well, and catches fish. Can't wait to see the new one!! Good luck Abe.
  14. Hey John, thanks a bunch for takin me out a few times the last two years, had a great time and always learned something, like how to handle that Tracker in solid 4s the last time we were out. You still have probably the best story of catching yout first 30lber....solo, and without a net. that's gunna be hard to top. Whenever you come back (and we all know you will), you're welcome on the boat anytime!!!
  15. Just picked one of these up. they take great video.
  16. new secret weapon you wanna share?? Also, how much backing?
  17. leaving the clicker on is half the fun of catching silvers though.
  18. sounds good. not sure if we should go out of the Catt or dunkirk. Or say screw it and try to find some ringbacks
  19. Victorinox 12" Scimitar
  20. we have a couple of the Cabelas for our dipsies and personally, I like em a lot. Drags seem nice, and pretty comfortable. when the spool is full, line counter is accurate. I only have a few years experience with limited gear, but I would pick up another one of these and not be upset about it. We've had them for a few years and haven't done any maintenance on them (including drags).
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