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Everything posted by orangediablo

  1. Most predators, as well as kings, are opportunistic feeders. We've all caught kings small enough to make us wonder how they got their tiny mouths around that huge treble, so we know they are eating machines. But, are they cannibalistic? I've yet to fillet a king and find little kings inside it, but have only been fishing for them for <2 years. Anyone know anything about this?
  2. great Remote start. I"ve had mine for years. Good stuff. Remotes for them.....meh...
  3. email sent
  4. foam and electrical/duct tape?
  5. Is a Bill. just sayin.
  6. Looking for two of these... whattya got?
  7. that thing is gorgeous
  8. I THINK there is a link somewhere that puts you on the non-mobile page
  9. There are 2 main reasons why Rockets perform so well : The glow, which makes them visible from a long distance, but even more importantly, the action, or roll. Back in the old days, ...original question, an alewife in an anchovy style teaser head would be my choice, although I've never tried it. Your presentation , or action, is #1 Guess that makes sense...action is #1, scent is just adding to it. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks rocket.
  10. if the sushi flies took shots, makes me think that if the alewife were cut the same as herring strips, and rolled the same, shouldn't they, in theory, produce similarly?
  11. This is true, don't really need a rod at the moment, just the reels. But if a smoking deal I can't pass up comes along with the whole package, I'd bite.
  12. I looked. Little more than I wanted to spend. Saw a few that went pretty quickly, because of the great prices....
  13. looking for 30 series reels for 2-5 color LC. Let me know what you have
  14. I kinda want them
  15. typical cutbait herring or buy whole alewives and filet them myself for cutbait? alewife route will be cheaper but seems like herring is more popular. Has anyone tried both and had better luck with one over another or am I looking too much into it and meat is meat?
  16. Dabbled with this recipe this weekend. I"m a big fan of apples, so instead of apple juice, I used cider, as well as a bunch more hot sauce. In a word? Amazing. It's not too often you have a chance to eat smoked sweet appley spicy hot fish. Def doing this again. thanks musky!!
  17. i can understand making the mistake of buying a bunch of the same flies since they get torn up, but hate when I do it with spoons or spinnies
  18. You buy 3 lures, go to put 'em away, and low and behold, you already have four of the same ones, and two of them haven't even been opened yet? I'm sure this stuff has happened to many of u guys...let's hear about it
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