I emailed the mayor and have yet to hear back. Last I heard they had the funding to repair it but were waiting on the personnel to do it. Either way it needs to be repaired
I am looking for the large fish box that sits in the rear deck floor of the penn yan predator/prowlers. If anyone has one or any ideas on making something suitable please let me know
Used one season on a furuno 585. Worked great but sold head unit few weeks ago and still have transducer. Asking $50. Call 315 529 7821 and I'll text ya pics
Furuno 585 purchased brand new from gill Travis on the hull truth site as a close out 2 years ago. Used it one season and sold boat last fall and guy didn't have money for electronics so off it came as well as airmar p66 transducer. All works great. $800 for both
It's a basic principal of a predator vs prey relationship. And though it can be very dynamic it is also very simple. To much prey and not enough predators, prey pops will rise to such a degree, then they collapse and predators follow suit. We see it all through out nature. It's a simple checks and balance situation. If the data says its a 2:1 return of pen raised fished then we should pen more! If it comes down to a money issue, then I for one would pay more for a fishing license to help with costs. If natural reproduction is increasing and helping to supplement our population then we SHOULD be closing off known spawning sections of tribs to fishing, at least to a certain point in the season. No I'm not against river fishing, in fact I love to do it myself, but I personally would give up some prime river fishing to help promote an increase in our target species the KING! The more Mother Nature does on her own the less we have to be responsible for. However in a fishery such as this our responsibility to manage it will never truly end. I have been assisting Tom Allen in Oswegos pen project and though I don't do as much as I'd like or should, I still find a sense of pride in knowing I've helped give back to what I love to do here on the big pond. We don't need more lake trout, or Atlantics we need and want kings! Kings are what keep this fishing industry alive. Kings are what push local fishing communities and parts of their economy. We need more Kings!
Tm260 (transom mount) transducer I purchased in June of the 2013 season for my furuno 585 from Gill Travis of the "hull truth." As of two weeks ago I have sold the boat that it was mounted to, and the guy didn't have the extra cash for all the electronics so off it came. It is rated for 600w and/or 1kw capable units. Provides extremely nice picture even on plane, marking bait and fish easily. Very good unit just don't need it anymore. Payed $750 for it new and would let it go for $550 per Gills advice. This is a very very large powerful transducer in perfect condition. Anyone interested please pm me and/or shoot me a text at 315-529-7821 and I would be willing to talk to you about it or text you photos of the unit as I have yet to figure out how to upload pics to this site. Sorry. Roughly 4" thick by 3"wide by 7" long. Weighs about 5-6lbs!