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August 21, 2010
Last visited
June 12, 2024
Everything posted by Skippers Trophy 01
Congrats!!! You put in the time, now it’s time to get some rewards.
I think if you start out trolling with the dipsy you can cover some area, which can lead to identifying areas you want to go back to and try jigging.
As far as a spread being more effective, most times yes, but there are also times where it can work to your advantage to have only one rod out.
Good luck and let us know how you make out, I have always wanted to try it.
Good job handling all that action, & thanks for the report. Gonna try Friday?
Troll some cheese near the East end of that!
Yeah, thats the place. You'll need a waste permit sticker.
Looks like surge brakes to me...?
In Tompkins, they are $90/Ton at the waste center. They will take whole or in pieces - if you cant get them there on a legal trailer, for instance. That is usually the biggest problem, trailer is toast from sitting so long, and not legally registered anymore.
Thanks for checking. When RU going to hit the water?
Let us know about the Sodus launch if you find out, thanks.
Wicked nice fish Wayne, congrats!
My buddy used to do this on the Fingerlakes with a bungee cord!
Said occasionally a big Laker would take it and shake hell out of the downrigger boom.
Way to get the newb in on some action. Thanks for the report.
Thx for report. CJohn go get 'em and let us know...
Two observations:
Can you turn the motor whichever way makes the cable shorter? Probably to the left, then get it to pull out by partially entering the gunnel hole.
If that cable cant come out and go straight into the motor, it will go bad again. Ask me how I know... I had to make a new hole in my gunnel to have the cable be able to go straight into the motor.
Those fish look great, been eager to hit the water myself.
Way to make it even harder for me!
What do you use and where do you get it?
Thanks for the report, thinking of making the trip soon.
Aren't the browns staging/spawning right now anyway? I usually get steelies and an occasional coho in tight this time of year.
Went out of the South end on Thursday and the fleas weren't bad. The floating weeds were awful though.
Managed one nice rainbow.
Nice bunch of chrome there, Rick.
This time of year, do you look for temp when trying to find the 3 Yr. old Salmon, or something else?
Thanks for taking the time to post your results here on the forum.
Sounds to me like you are a good person. Thanks for looking out for others in distress out there, and helping when you could.
I got towed in recently, and have towed a few in myself over the years. I always try to keep karma on my side!
Some of the flashers/spinners don't impart any action to the lure, so those need a spoon or other self action lure behind them. Its good to have both on hand to try on tough days.