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Keep'n it Reel

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Everything posted by Keep'n it Reel

  1. Stinger now that is a report that's awesome info!!!! Hahaha.
  2. Right now the best bet for browns is to fish where the thermocline meets the bottom but they do wander as well. And during the winter you can throw temps out the window obviously. So fish the bait browns are aggressive feeders I got a lot on my 5 and 7 color lead cores but consistently for the bigger ones I got them in a 10 color. Black and purple, brown, red, white spoons all are good choices
  3. Haha on hell yes was right their with you on that the browns also were crazy last winter and some good ones to. I changed boats have a 18' center console now so can even fish the chop now where before the ripples became a concern. Did you ever fish the east side at all
  4. I think I remember seeing the boat I use to use a small northport troller out their all winter had 2 walker riggers and PVC triple trees on the front I was their every week
  5. Do you fish the south end of Seneca in the winter?
  6. Try heading north I'm thinking about fishing that same area Sunday and have done really well in their in the past black and purples green an yellows for spoons and play around with the spin doctors
  7. I know one of the old owners of that boat thy is a awesome boat well suited for Seneca and I would have to say you have some support backing you on this topic nick, les, ad Ed are all some great fisherman like les said Sampson on the bottom is a go to when fishing is tough I am a south end kinda guy but fishing can be hit or miss and winter fishing yeah it's just plain insane nothing to have 5 or 6 fish on at one time just none stop action. And I use to use a 15' both port troller to fish the lake with a 25hp tiler steer on it but I'm also a little on the loopy side haha if you see a center console sportcraft thats me best of luck to you!!
  8. Trial and error I am a firm believe in can read all you want but will only get you in the ball park won't be until you put your own experiences and programs together will you be truly successful I'm sure many will agree when I say what works for one may not work for others. But as for a location on the lake Sampson is normally consistent fishing but the temps and currents are insane right now so it's a free for all I recommend hitting the water at the closest launch and just laying it out their just washing lures. Good luck and tight lines. Joe is the name and I'm on Seneca a lot channel 68 on the radio
  9. Be great full for the luxuries we all have an the simple things we all take for granted. God bless those that have lost their life's defending us thank you all
  10. I like catching just saying!!!! Haha
  11. I fish 90 percent of the time on Seneca and Seneca at least in the winter can fish from 10fow right out to 250fow and catch fish the whole way normally using everything from 2 color cores to mag dipsy divers and fishing all the water columns. Mostly the upper 80 still
  12. Ed as you prob know the browns will turn back on we got into a few last weekend should have a big feeding frenzy just before they hit the creeks!!!
  13. I agree with you on the river but my lake season does not end have a 18' with out board so I still can winter fish the lakes no weeds no fleas no people and a lot of very very active fish most the time more like catching not fishing during the winter
  14. The inlines work great I have ran 4 to a side plus 4 dipsys and 2 down riggers so 14 rods also 2 sliding cheater lines so a total of 16 lures cover a foot ball field in a pass.
  15. Well launched at the state park agin this time, looking to get a few last lake kings in!! Left the pier heads at about 5.30 and went right out front hit 65fow set down and set lines started trolling east screen was not the best so kept searching from 70 to 90 worked to 100 a few time on that pass to marked a few fish trolled almost to moon beach then made a turn get heading back and the 300 took a rip double crush green glow spinny with Seneca ghost fly didn't stay buttoned up! Kept the west troll going hoping that the bite may just be directional but no such luck. Head the news of a few fish in 200fow so turned out and started heading that way hit 150fow and the screen went blank still kept going hit 200 and nothing so started to troll back in was talking with a few friends out fishing and was told about a nice coho landed and few dropped fish on that inside water so decided to give it another chance before calling it a day. Hit 70fow and the screen completely changed had fish moving in and out of the riggers had fish suspend had them on the bottom so changed a few things and was not long and the 55 rigger goes with meat on it nice steelhead about 10lbs right after that 125 dippy goes screaming with white green dot with a green hammer fly high teen king make a turn head back towards those spots and the 147 dippy with chrome green dot and hammer fly goes drop that one at the back of the boat fished rolled in the prop wash and hook straightened out. Turn around for another pass I watch the 125 dippy slam comes straight back up slack thought the wire snapped but it was just the leader broke so retie another one and back out it went made another turn and just about to get back to the waypoints when we hear Brendan say hey you have a fish kicking on the surface on that same line your on maybe the one you lost earlier, well it was but not the one that came unhooked it was the one that broke us off netted it with my white green dot and hammer combo still hooked up to it and the missing 5' of my leader. I found that cool I have never done that before so made a memory on that one!!!! Well made a turn and started heading back to the ramp slowly picking gear had one last smack on the rigger but didn't keep a hook in it!!! Ended the day 2 for 5 with fish fought but got the 3rd fish in the boat with out ever hearing drag pull Just a scope of a net hahaha!
  16. Nice good job will be up the a.m. To play again glad to see fish are still hammering
  17. We both have the Mobile version on are phones lets up post and load while on the lake no problems
  18. Nice job keep it up. Me and the iron duke played on Seneca this morning and crushed the fish was a absolute blast with some big ones to
  19. Yes sir what a awesome morning. Evening starting out decent as well 2 for 3 so far with a nice salmon on the 243 dippy. And will have good temp readout in 314fow right in front of the salt plant no down speed though prob is not moving prob rigger cable snapped sorry mike!!!!!
  20. Best of luck to you I did run a 300 copper but that's just off a rod was not dragging it on bottom. I will be looking forward to hear how you did I will be on Seneca fishing with iron duke good luck tight lines! Joe
  21. I caught fish their to just all dinks one fish over 5lbs did yours have any size?
  22. I brought 3 up attached to my riggers one moved to the boat now that a problem horrible creatures lol tuff to see but the next pic shows the one on the boat look right at the transom you will see a white blob in the water
  23. But is it just a dead time of year for the lake or is the lake just on a downhill this season?? I don't know the lake well enough to make my own assumptions
  24. I feel a reason to be worried I use to hear of 10+ lbs fish consistently talked to a friend that runs charters over their said he has done over 800 fish this year and not one over 10 a lot if mid 9s but the number of 10" salmon is crazy I'm sure other feel its just fine but I know I feel something is wrong!!!
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