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Everything posted by fisherman21

  1. Got a dark one last night!
  2. Biggest one was 42 pounds
  3. I appreciate the kind words!
  4. 1 1/2oz jighead and 4 to 6” white paddletails. Have fun
  5. Got another 2 down this morning!
  6. Got two friends out last night! Both were able to take their first predator
  7. Another 2 piece last night with Isaac behind the gun 👌🏼
  8. Got my brother out last night. He was able to put down a quad and missed another fox. Great night!
  9. Ahhh bummer. He will be back!
  10. Another three last night 👌🏼
  11. Big male down this morning!
  12. Dream weaver. You can find it on fish USA. It’s a fish USA custom color
  13. Carbon 14 Game Over NBK UV Green Jeans hulk
  14. Nice shooting Bill!
  15. Another 2 down last night
  16. His time is limited
  17. Another three piece last night
  18. First sets of the season for me last night gave up 3 foxes. Not a bad night solo
  19. 2022 had a lot of great outdoor memories. This was our first full season with a boat, so we had more opportunities to hit the big water. While I don’t fish as much as I used to due to a growing family, it was still a year filled with lots of fish and game. The kids enjoyed catching panfish, largemouths this summer, and some perch through the ice. My oldest daughter also accompanied me on her first deer hunt! I was also able to assist a few anglers in putting them on the first kings and others on their first coyotes. My dad really enjoys bass fishing, so we did a few trips this summer putting well over 100 in the boat. My dad also got to experience jigging lake trout on cayuga which was a lot of fun. You will also see my turkey fan mount and coyote skull mount I finished from the 2021 season. Happy with how they came out! A few more highlight were the musky weekend this fall with the boys, a single fall perch outing that ended with a huge fish fry, a work trip to Rhode Island where my boss took as on a striped bass charter, my annual birthday outing with my buddy Matt on the Niagara(brutal conditions this past year), 3rd place king on big fish Friday of the Sandy Creek shootout, you will see pictures of three nice bucks standing within 25 yards of me after I had already filled my buck tag(this will teach me for next season to hold out lol), and a couple duck hunts. Already looking forward to this 2023 season! Enjoy the pictures!
  20. Are you meaning for next year?
  21. Shout out to my boy Isaac for always making me feel at home on his land during gun season. Was able to harvest my first and second ever muzzleloader deer tonight! It’s been a blessed season. I got three in the freezer early and I’ve been able to bless four other families with the last four that I have taken.
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