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Everything posted by fisherman21

  1. Changed some things up this morning in our presentation…..and it was killer. Finished 13/20
  2. Fished till 8 and finished 3/5 with about 5 other missed hits. Highlight was a beautiful 20 plus pounder
  3. Aqua view underwater camera for ice fishing. I won it in a tournament and have never opened it. They retail for 280. Asking 150 or best offer.
  4. Asking 100 dollars. I got a Mathew’s a couple years ago and have no use for this now anymore. Everything works as it should.
  5. Price change Asking 45$ or best offer Comes with ground stake
  6. 7’1”MH Spinning rod 40 sized reel 20lb braid 15lb flouro leader jigging spoons for the win
  7. Ended up 5/8 on kings today jigging and missed another 3 hits. Biggest two were right at 20 pounds. So much fun on light tackle
  8. We are using jigging spoons. 2oz have seemed to work best
  9. My son wanted to catch salmon yesterday after I got done with work, so we hooked the boat up and headed of for two hours. I didn’t feel like rigging the boat for trolling, so we just grabbed the jigging gear again. Ended up 2/3. My son got to witness some amazing runs and the true power of a king on conventional tackle. The first one we got jumped three times during the fight. Pretty awesome sight!
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