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Everything posted by fisherman21

  1. All Rochester area [ Post made via Android ]
  2. Got 2 bowfin, 2 bullhead, some perch, a largemouth, a smallmouth and a steely.
  3. my buddy saw two 8 points and a small 6 yesterday walk across the road in spencerport
  4. fished an hour and a half. caught proly 50 kept 25.
  5. Yah, was wondering if it was a shed or just a big doe
  6. This pic was taken on my trail cam feb 13th. ik thier was a huge buck around there during bow (10 point) but im new to hunting. so idk if this is a shed or button.
  7. one more question. how far out will a 22 effectivly kill a yote
  8. Is a 22 caliber rifle enough fire power to put down a yote?
  9. Yes sir, bought the shells at gander, man are they hard to come across. That 16 is dead nut, let me tell you
  10. this is my first year bow hunting and second year gun hunting. Last season i got my first doe with a 12 gauge pump, then this october i downed my first bow deer (doe) then i downed my first buck (5 point) on wednesday with a 16 guage walking through the woods. then tonight i dropped my first button buck with the bolt action 16 guage walking out of the woods. My goal was to get 3 deer this year, and i have reached it. Alot of firsts and i just want to thank God for providing me with the opportunities and safty during the season. Enjoy the pics, and good luck to all who are still chasing. 1st deer(doe) 2010 12 gauge shotgun 1st deer with bow (doe) 10/18/11 1st buck 16 gauge bolt action shotgun 11/30/11 1st button buck and #3 of the season. 16 guage bolt action 12/5/11 Season complete
  11. got another one just walking through the woods today.
  12. well im about 6'2'' i would say im farely good sized haha a guy at the course that hunts said the deer actually had a really big head and body for its antlers. im just thankful i was blessed with the opportunity to take such a great aminal. Although not big, im sure i will have many more opportunities to come
  13. So i was in math class wednesday morning, and all i could think about was getting another deer (i shot my first bow deer in october, doe) and hadnt really had much opportunity since then. All my buddies have been sending me pics of thier deer, so i was getting kinda tired of not seeing anything. with the cold weather we had come in wednesday, i made up my mind i was going for it. So after math i decided to skip my last class and hit the woods, dont tell my parents haha. I hunt on a golf course, so i went way back in the hard woods onto an old atv trail and decided i would camp out. this was at about 12. At 130 i got bored and just decided i was going to walk the trail slowly and quietly since the ground was saturated i figured i could get in range of a deer if i saw one. So i start walking, and about 45 yards down the trail from where i was sitting, i jumped a deer about 15 yards from me, i clicked the safty off and kept the bead on him as he ran up the hard woods, and wouldnt you know, he turned left and ran right across the trail at 40 yards. BANG!!!! dropped in stride a nice little 5 point and my first buck. Not to mention i got him with my grandpas 60 year old bolt action 16 guage. It was my goal to get one with the 16 gauge this year. Last year was my first year hunting and i got a doe with my grandpas 12 guage pump so i wanted to try something new and more difficult. Now onto the 16 guage single shot shotgun. It makes him proud i get the deer with his guns, and they get the job done, so its a win win for me. So last fall i got my first deer (doe) 12 guage pump, this fall first deer with a bow (doe), and now wednesday i added to my first with my first buck with a 16 guage bolt action. 3 down and many more to go. here are some pics of my deer. buck with 16 guage doe during bow doe 12 guauge last year
  14. i was walking at a slow but steady pace wednesday and dropped a 5 point. it works
  15. anyone know where i can get some 2 3/4 remington slugger 16 gauge shells. around greece
  16. This is my first year bow hunting, and hunting the rut. i hunt a glof course and thier is a buck rubbing trees all around me but i havent been graced with seeing him yet while im in the stand. Do you think if i bought a grunt call and called, i might have a better chance of seeing him?
  17. Was hunting hamlin today, had a small doe come in with a 5 point chasing her. they were around my stand for about a half hour until the 5 point gave me a shot. its my 2nd year hunting, 1st year bow hunting. i got a doe earlier in the season but i got alittle to excited tonight, rushed the shot and missed haha. im learning from my mistakes. next time when the big guy comes in, he will be in the freezer
  18. i hunt in hamlin as well and notice the same thing
  19. Has anyone noticed that the deer are really clueless this year. you can make noise and everything and they still come right up to you haha. or is it just me
  20. ray is that a true story hahaha
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