Wanted: Foot pedal for MinnKota Powerdrive V2 trolling motor
Looking for just the foot pedal control and harness for the MinnKota V-2 Powerdrive electric trolling motor.
thanks, DEvo.
You can never be "over" enthusiastic Dylan! You guys already are better than most fisherman twice your age. I'm proud of you guys for trying and don't worry, we all have had days when we couldn't get bit!!
Next time you go, have Cap'n "X" take a pic of the screen you're looking at so we can decipher it better. ... It may be bait that you guys are marking.
I love night fishing but the older I get, the harder it is to stay up that late! We get them during the day too so we'll be out Saturday morning pulling planer boards and cranks.
Good Luck!
They've been calling them both "silver bass" forever,the point is, there is no such thing.
They're White Perch or White Bass. Lake O has both and the Bay is loaded with them.