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Everything posted by howboutthosemets

  1. Who's your favorite guy to watch on tv? We all have seen them and know them. Bill Dance, Jimmy Houston, Orlando Wilson, Babe Winkleman, In Fisherman guys, Fish Fishburne, Charlie Moore, Hank Parker, etc. Also if you have a favorite bass pro like Kevin Van Dam, Rick Clunn, or Davey Hite you can post that here too.
  2. Sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. I'm doing a free league on yahoo. Draft Sunday morning at 11. I have 14 teams now and would like to have 20. Send me your email if interested and I will send you an invite. Thanks
  3. For Pike and Walleye I like to use Smithwick Rattlin Rogues
  4. OK thanks guys. What should I look for to make sure i'm not getting ripped off when I go to check it out.
  5. Go during the week if you can. Weekends are rough because there are a lot of people there
  6. Yeah makes sense
  7. Is $300 Reasonable for a 1977 9.9HP Johnson short shaft? looking for something for my little 1960 14 Footer that isn't going to break the bank and is going to get the job done. Thanks
  8. Any of you guys know a fairly cheap unit that I could pick up that will measure my down speed and temp? i'm on a budget so nothing super fancy, just something that gets the job done
  9. Hey- I want to start off appologizing if this is in the wrong place to post this, because it doesn't really have anything to do with fishing. A couple of my buddies and I do ghost hunting, like you see on all the tv shows but without all the camera crews chasing us around. We do have some modern equipment including a night vision camera, voice recorders, emf detectors, a laser thermometer, etc. Basically if you are having "issues" of some sort that you can't explain and think you might have a "ghost" we come in and check stuff out and let you know if we agree that your place is haunted. If not we try and tell you what else it could be that is causing the problem. If you want us to get rid of it for you we do our best to help with that or refer you to someone that can, too. We have been doing this for a long time and actually started "officially" last year. We got sick of all the people around that are trying to make a profit off from it and charge for something that you can't really "prove" either one way or another. We all have regular, full time jobs and do it out of our own pockets. we do not nor will ever charge you for any service we provide. We do accept tips like if someone wants to pitch in for gas if we have to drive a long ways but do not ask for or expect it. Anyways, if anyone has any questions on stuff they can pm me here or find us on facebook - upstate ghosthunting. Our email is wehuntghosts@live.com and we call ourselves The Adirondack Association for Paranormal Research. Thank you for taking the time to check this out.
  10. ahhhh, home of the now defunct Brick Block Yeah, it looks terrible now. You would think with allll those people living there they could have kept it up nice.
  11. Hang in there man, only one way to go now and that is up
  12. Yeah, there are some freaking monsters up there. I was only half kidding when I said you scare a fish and it is almost as big as your boat. Where you from Lew? A lot of people fish for bullhead up there at night I know. Used to do that too until I went up there a couple times last spring and you cant even find a spot to go. They kinda blow up on you out of nowheres, that's for sure
  13. Like i said it was like hardly ever fished before but it seems like the past couple years it has gotten blasted. I took my boat out a couple times last year, they have some big largemouth in there too. I used to go up there with my buddies in a canoe and we would go through the lilly pads and scare some big ones and you would think they were gonna tip the boat over. Not really though but its kinda humbling to see a fish half as long as your boat. LOL. A lot of people call it the "Dykes" - German for dam. It's up past timberview lodge like tabolts corners. You can't even get in there this time of year without a snowmobile. I would love to ice fish it
  14. It's Between Turin and Lowville, up on tug hill. It's on the other side of whetstone gulf state park. They have been stocking it with Tigers forever. I mean i'm almost 30 and i remember going up there when I was like 10 and hearing people talk about catching them. It is not really that big. There are a lot of weeds. I believe it is no gas motors. I don't really think it gets any deeper than maybe 15 ft at the most. I mean don't get me wrong it isnt exactly a pond but it's not exactly a lake either. There is an old railroad that big trucks drive down in the middle of it and there is water on both sides. I wouldn't reccomend going up there unless you have a pickup cause it would eat your car to heck. Supposed to be "forever wild"
  15. I went there once last year and bought the biggest minnows I could get. Trolled kinda steady and occasionally tweaked my trolling motor as fast as I could go and made some tight turns around structure. After I did this for awhile I opened it up full bore and went down the middle and one hit that peeled off a freshly spooled reel of red 17 lb test with a 50 lb mono leader and 18 inch steel leader from the time it hit for me to go and kill the trolling motor and set the hook which must have been all of 3 seconds, right down to the end and took off. I would say it went through at least 150 yds worth of line. The thing must have been a bruiser. So be patient. The good ones are in there still you just gotta find 'em
  16. Anyone ever get up there to fish for tigers? They get huge in there. Have hooked up with a couple but never caught one. The place was relatively unknown until i'd say around 5 years ago then it seemed like everyone and their mother started going so I figure some of you guys have to know about it.
  17. Name: Ryan Location: Ava, NY Hi, My name is Ryan and I am 29. I have fished all my life, for various species. I have a little 14 foot boat which I use to fish for bass, walleye, etc in local small lakes and ponds. I have collected some downriggers and such and am saving to buy a bigger boat to take out on Lake O. I have been on several charters, previously with TK out of Oswego and most recently with Reel Serious out of Rochester. I can drive a boat, set a hook, fight fish, tie lures, use a fish finder, am familiar with the basic equipment. Some day would like to be able to run my own charter business or at least get to the point where I could comfortably fish by myself on Ontario. I live in Ava, which is a little north of Rome, so I guess my home port would be out of Oswego, because that is the closest. But, I could get to Rochester in a pinch once in awhile if I have to. I would like to help any captains out there who are looking for a mate. I think it would be a good way for me to learn the business. I work full time at metlife but I would be available to help on weekends, vacations, and after work in the summer as it is light out later. I am very reliable as I have never called in to work ever. I am a fast learner who is a good worker, friendly, and have good people skills. Anyone who wouldn't mind the help please feel free to respond or pm me. Thanks a lot!
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