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  1. Does anybody know if perch are in Sodus Bay yet? We searched all of our known hot spots and found nothing last weekend...despite Wayne Couty Fishing reports that said they were in. We saw lots of boats searching. Hoping maybe they are in now, thinking of trying again tomorrow. Thanks for any help you can provide.
  2. SOS (Save our Sodus) is circulating a petition to fight the IJC's proposal to change Lake Ontario water levels. Here is the link, or go to the Save Our Sodus website for more information, including the time and date of a very important meeting in Williamson coming up regarding these potential changes to Lake Ontario's levels. Thanks! http://www.change.org/petitions/petitio ... t+Plan+BV7
  3. Thanks, that was what I was afraid of. Gas was from an automotive station, def. has the ethanol, so I guess I'll have to get it out of there. It's a super nice boat, and I want to keep it that way. Thanks for the reply.
  4. We are planning on leaving our 28' I/O cruiser in the pole barn for the summer due to another project that is overwhelming our time and budget. Boo! Anyway, this boat was professionally winterized, put away with 1/2-3/4 tank gas and stabilizer added. She is stored indoors. I am very concerned about the gas sitting in the tank for a year, among other things. Any suggestions about what we should do to ensure a trouble-free launch NEXT spring? Thanks in advance for the advice!
  5. This spring we used a mobile guy, Joey Baker, who was trained by the original Great Lakes Boat Repair people.He came to us and we were very pleased with his work and even more pleased with his price. He was out of the Rochester area, but came to Wayne Cty with no problems, was very reliable and quick. His card says he specializes in Gelcoat, fiberglass and structural repairs. On his card is an email: JoeyRB7@gmail.com hopefully that is still correct. Watercraft Clinic is also good, and Great Lakes does top quality work no doubt, but this guy was in the budget and his workmanship was good, too.
  6. If you can get to the East Side of Sodus Bay, you'll do better than that for a no frills dock. Try Fowler's Marina at their Island View Marina section(like their cheap seats). You can get a safe dock and parking for pretty reasonable. 25 ft pontoon for months of August and Sept last year was $200 or so, as I recall. It was the inlaws boat, but it was pretty cheap - they didn't holler, so it had to be good. FYI Fowler's had ethanol free gas at their gas dock last year, too. Henner's BayBridge sport shop another no frills dock spot for the budget minded. There are a couple bar/restaurants along the East side that rent docks by the month as well, sort of on a case by case situation (they don't want them all taken, like to leave some for customers), take a drive in the spring and you can stop in and ask them, too. They can be pretty negotiable.
  7. MARINER HAS SOLD, THANK YOU [ Post made via iPod ]
  8. SOLD SOLD SOLDHardly used 1991 Mariner by Mercury 20hp outboard w/tiller, pull start. Appears to be a long shaft. Starts right up despite not being used much. Looks to be in fabulous shape. Helping a friend liquidate his boating stuff. ASking $500 b/o Call 315-626-2399 eves FMI.
  9. 1998 15' Logic (Triumph) dual console w/ 50HP Nissan outboard for sale. Mooring cover and newer trailer. Runs great, well made boat with great reputation. Can be towed with a light SUV. Has a bass seat mounted on bow, seats 4 comfortably. Makes a nice run about. Currently in the water at least thru this week in Sodus Bay for easy viewing. Older owner has used very little, looking to get into a pontoon boat so this boat has to go. asking $4,500 b/o, call Tom FMI @315-626-2759 and leave a message if no one is inside to get the phone. THis boat is in super shape with no issues.
  10. http://www.waynecountytourism.com/fishing.asp Check out the link above or call Bay Bridge Sport Shop. Bay was LOADED with people and vehicles yesterday, don't know what/if they're catching, but the ice was packed yesterday.
  11. www.waynecountytourism.com/fishing/asp gives great updates on ice condition and what's biting on Sodus Bay. There is easy access to the bay from Sodus Pt, bay bridge @south end where the Bay Bridge Sport Shop (bait shop) is located and on the east side off Lake Bluff Rd. Good fishing from all locations depending on the day.
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