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January 4, 2011
Last visited
July 16, 2022
Rapala suspended husky jerk in rainbow trout color ...i have had to replace 4 of them over the years because they beat it up so badly. Dont forget your steel leader too
15-20 years ago my father cough a big football brown in eel bay, pike fishing in July with shiners. Was talking to a guy while camping at Wellsley a couple of years ago and told him that story. he told me hes been fishing up there since he was a kid (well into his 70s) and said that he had pulled a few browns and Lakers from that side of the island at different times of the year.
Was up camping at wisp all last week ...water is high, docks are flooded and rocks and shoals that you normally see are hiding. We did make a few trips around the island one was to see the fireworks at Bolt castle at night. The currents didn't seem any different then normal. And at least for us the fishing sucked ....hit up all the normal spots that produced fish for us over the years and only managed a few small perch and rock bass and one pike. STILL WAY BETTER THEN BEING AT WORK !!!! Oh and talking to the guys at the bait store are really enforcing the speed limit. Haha guy told me you could be out in a boat with no numbers drinking a beer giving the bird and they would prob let you go ....too much ripple in the water WATCH OUT
Been camping up here since saturday and this is the only thing we cought last night .... Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Thats what i thought Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Wow finally doing season passes ?? I asked about those a few years ago ...that would be awesome if the channel stays good Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
8 and 10 if im remembering correctly...i read somewhere braddocks has gone to 9 and 12 Sent from my SM-G920V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
I saw they raised the prices of the river launch
stoneam2006 you have a pm
is there a manual lock like a trailering lock that might have gotten engaged ?
No its a outboard 85 hp evinrude circa 1973 the boat is only 16 foot ....I looked up some schematic on marineengine.com (of course all the seals I need are obsolete) but from what I can tell it looks like 3 O-rings. Im going to keep looking online an checking the oil till I put it to bed for the winter. Hopefully I can find a kit or parts to make life a little easier. t im thinking if I do pull it apart and it is just O-rings( hopefully) I hove lots of them rom my tranny rebuild days lol
Thank you ill do a little more research