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Everything posted by zimm298

  1. I'll check them out!
  2. The thing is, the transom seemes solid. The stress cracks are really bad all over the top and upper sides, and also on the lower part of the transom. I can personally say that when we turned 16 and were allowed to run the boat ourselves, between my cousins and myself (I'm now 40), the first goal was to have the boat totally out of the water jumping frieghter waves as they made the turn to come down the bay out of the Chesapeake and Deleware canal. It was a blast then, kinda worries me now. The work to do the stringers, and transome scare me. Never did them. I can figure out the floor. I wouldn't be surprised to have the same problems you did, the boat was in the water from march till november for 25 years. The foam soaking up water makes a lot of sense.....
  3. I have my family's 1978 Grady White Challenger that we've had since new. Since it spent almost all of it's life in the Chesapeake, it looks rough, and I would like to find a reputable, affordable boat shop to check it out for me. Still runs like a top. It's time for a new floor and a rewire, but before I do it, I want to make sure the hull is sound. I really do like this boat and think it has a lot of life left, but want the pro's to confirm that for me before dumping a ton of money into it. I am also considering cleaning it up looks wise, like awlgrip or something. Right now I can't quite afford to replace it, so I really would like to clean it up. I've only been up here for about 2 1/2 years, so I'll take any advice. Thanks
  4. Yankee Troller mentioned Pa's law, and since I'm a transplant to Upstate from south central PA and raised on the Chesapeake Bay, I felt the need to state my piece. Pa and Maryland boaters born before a certain date are grandfathered in and were not required to take the safety course. Maryland I think was pre 1976. Anyway, my point being it isn't a bad thing, or a money thing. It's about safety. I don't see the boaters up here being any worse than anyplace else that I've boated or fished. But, I also didn't need to take a special class in Pa to be able to hunt with a bow like I did here in NY. Picked up a few good pointers taking the class. I don't care if you've been on the water 50 years or 5 days. We all have habits, or lack of knowledge that having to sit through a bit of education isn't going to hurt. If you're a lifelong boater like me, consider it a refresher. If you're a new boater, consider it something that could save you're life out on the water. Just my thoughts, right or wrong!
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