Fish hawk 840 complete unit with transducer and probe 175.00
9 foot merc,throttle and shift cables 25.00
12 foot merc throttle and shift cables 25.00
raymarine L760 fish finder/plotter with raymarine DSM250 module 150.00
PM me i can text or email pics
I have fished her many times, very nice boat! If it was for sale 2 months ago, before i bought the Baha, I would have bought it in a second. Will defiantly make someone a great boat !
I looked at this boat this spring, besides the stringers it was very nice and ran smooth and quiet. With a little work I'm sure it will make someone a nice boat, for a great price! When I noticed the stringers were spongy, I called him and he said he would have them checked. He did and was totally honest with me.
I'll be in Oswego this weekend for the pro-am if anyone needs 14 lb coated fish weights I'll be bringing some with me, 30.00 ea. give me a call or text 802-786-9599 . Good luck to all
I will be in the Oswego area this Thursday and Friday , April 18-19th if anybody wants weights ill bring them and save you shipping! Let me know ASAP, thanks
These weights are fish shaped, they cut through the water well with minimal blowback. Tails can be bent to steer away from boat like a pancake weight. 10 pounders= 20.00 , 14 pounders=25.00 each. Add 5.00 each for rubber coating. Can ship 2 in a flat fate box for 12.35
Reply or pm for ordering details
I'm in oswego until Sunday and have about 10 with me if anyone wants any call me 802-786-9599. Staying on boat at wrights marina
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Anyone who needs 10 or 14 pounders in the Oswego area , I'll be there wednesday thru Sunday . I'll bring a bunch up with me just give me a call on my cell, and save shipping! Scott 802-786-9599
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Leon when are you going to Oswego ? I'm planning on going up week after next, and plan on bringing a bunch up with me. Or stop by and pick some up before you go. Been getting tons of orders so it's hard to keep up. Keeps me busy!
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I am making and selling 10 and 14 lb downrigger fish shaped weights with brass eyes. Great for the deep water of Lake O, these heavier weights reduce blowback and track true. $20.00 for 10 lb and $25.00 for 14 pounder each plus shipping. Black rubber coated for $5.00 each extra. Can ship up to 2 in a medium flat rate shipping box for 12.00, or 4 in a large flat rate box for 16.00 USA only . Reply or PM for ordering info. Also on eBay (item number 320959445619)if you like using PayPal