I took my time....but ran through a strip of debri on Cayuga saturday and something is not right. Prop is fine but if i give it any throttle she revs like its cavitating..........I need recomendations of who I can trust to take a look at it. The closer to Dryden the better. Thanks all
Did anyone fish Cayuga this past weekend. Got stuck finishing up chores so I'm free to spend my weekends on the lake when conditions get a little better?
Sorry guys....havent figured out how to reply withou screwing something up. I had a similar problem on my duck boat.....I replaced the needle and seat in the carb (the tip of the needle has a rubber point on it) and off to the races again. Probably the ethanol
I've been looking into an auto pilot for my 2052.....any brand name suggestions and who around is experienced in installing and setting up the interface with my Lowrance?
I recently bought a 2052 and have been out on the water every weekend since 4/1. With most of my boating experience being on my buddie's Ranger we're either doing 65mph or nothing. When i started trolling with the new boat i couldnt believe the bow wander....especially into the wind and waves. IT WAS NOT RELAXING to head up the lake a 2mph. I ask a few questions and got some solid advice about maybe putting my trim tabs all the way down and not overcompensating, but somoene still had to be on the wheel to keep the boat from veering of course even if we were troliing with the wind. Well a little more research and I ordered, installed, and just tested a unit called a Super Fin. THAT THING FLAT OUT WORKS!!!! Both my buddy and i guess that it has taken away at least 95% of the wander and we can now both set lines or fight and net fish without having to saw on the wheel constantly. I have no connection to the manufacturer but it solved a huge issue for me. I very much appreciate how much help everyone on this sight has given me in getting started.....hope this is a little pay back. If you want more info let me know. Oh and I lost no top end performance or handling on plane.
I'm new to downrigger fishing. Get the flat line and planer boards down pretty well. How far back do you run your SDs and flies from the ball? Also any other tips on line size and type would be helpful. Trolled my butt off last Sunday out of Long Point and went to Lodi this past saturday and got skunked. Started with the flat lines and went to the downriggers. Did get some help on the radio from someone on Seneca saturday but they said they were catching fish so i didnt want to ask to many questions and keep them from thier fun. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks all for the heads up. Didnt think I could make it. Would have loved to blow the bridge out for you but dont think my insurance covers demolition projects.
Hey lilboat.....how high is the foot bridge at T-falls? I have a trophy with an enclosure and if i remeber right i may have trouble even with the enclosure down. Thx
WWTV....trailer is rollers down the middle with a bunk on either side towards the Stern....talking with the owner it wont take off until the back end is floating.....thanks for the heads up....dropping the stern on the ramp would probably damage the gel coat just a little.
Thanks Chowder. I have launch from Clute before dont remember the docking set up but if your launching there with the same size boat i shouldn't have a problem. I appreciate the tips on launching....launched and loaded alot of boats just not one this size solo. I basically do the same thing with my Duck boat when the water drops in Cayuga and i have to back half way in the lake to get it to float. Thanks again for the reply....may see you next weekend...plan on fishing next weekend.
As an FYI.....decided to make my screen name the same as my new boat, so if you happen to see me struggling to get out of your way at the launch please be patient.
Just bought a 2052 Trophy and am itching to get her in the water in Seneca or Cayuga. Been fishing in a smaller alluminum boat for years and never had to worry alot about the gel coat. Any tips on launching by myself. Been looking at all kinds of different gagets to launch solo but I cant imagine everyone spends big bucks just to make launching by yourself easier. Any tips????? Chowder you said you launched in the canal...is that the spot at the south end?