Hears a question. The rut is on how many days have you spent in the woods prior to this event. Temperature, scent you leave in woods, does in area,moon phase,weather conditions. There are a lot of variables to consider. If it was easy everybody would bag a trophy. By the way how often do you fellow hunters wash your clothes? This forum has been great also
I think most people who own land have had issues with trespassers. Iv had cameras stolen wooden ladders cut in half with chain saw. That happened a while ago. As far as dealing with a person who has taken a buck off your property that is a nightmare. In order to press charges they get to keep the deer. If you dont let them have it you cant press charges. Then when you do. If first offense it is a slap in your face. I know 1st had talking with the DEC.
. Got this guy 8:30 this am. Saw 2 other 8,s and quite a few does. He was chasing and the rage broad head stoped him at 30 yrd. Shortest track during archery ever. Was watching 2 larger bucks but friday night recieved a call that both had been taken. To say i was disappointed is a understatement. Nice to get one in the freezer. Total 4 days hunting 18hrs sitting.
If you do that then the guy could vandalize his stands. If he parks on your lane call tow truck. If he steps on your property get police involved. Start there 1st so they know whats going on. Good luck