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Everything posted by JakeyBaby

  1. Just settled in took ALOT longer getting to the stand then in thought it would. Frozen mud is loud! I need to kill in the worst way.
  2. Well last night a saw 5 doe, rushed the shot as my shooting window was very small. Luckily a clean miss but still burns a bit! In my get out of work late spot for a quick hunt, but have to be here!
  3. Texas style tonight on the ground. Had to try something different.
  4. Another crazy night. Hunted a new property that my buddy put me on to try and at least get a doe on the ground. Had two different trespassers ruin the hunt. What a year. Tomorrow is another day.
  5. No shots and no deer so far.....
  6. Ok that's better! Wasn't sure if they would take it frozen.
  7. Cmon!
  8. Sounds good! Now I just need to put one down so I can drop some off there!
  9. I'm a little confused??? So they do make that stuff?
  10. Does Swans do slim Jim's, hot dogs, and salami like Castanzas?
  11. Not even a squirrel from stand
  12. Just got settled in. Had to kick deer out of the clover plot to get in the tree. Seems like they are on their feet early tonight.
  13. Looks tagged to me....
  14. Hes not a farmer just someone who hunts and likes to drive and walk around all the time.
  15. Lol, I hope so! Good luck, I'm stuck at work!
  16. Congratsa what a stud!
  17. The deer on my property pound them as soon as the green gets around the size of you hand. Definitely have to switch it up next year so I have food longer then 2 weeks in September.
  18. You were right! Definitely jinxed myself
  19. Very little action for me as well. Saw 3 flatheads. Once I waited long enough I decided I was going to take one. Picked out the one I wanted and settled in on her. Next thing I know they bolt!! I look up and say here we go, big boy is coming!? NOPE! instead it's the neighbor driving his truck through the field. Lol! Cant make this stuff up!
  20. Just settled in , was able to sneak in pretty stealthy. Have not hunted this side of the property in a while. Tracks all over so I know there are deer that indeed do live here. I dont know why but for some reason I just got a weird feeling...... so weird I dont know if I want to shoot a doe now. Time will tell....m
  21. Yes, January
  22. Only saw a small buck this morning. Why is it when your trying to kill a doe, a mature one will not give you a shot??? Took tonight off even though I didnt want to. Oh well, hopefully I can sneak out of work this week to try and get something killed. Hopefully Ohio treats me better then New York has this season and I can put something down there.
  23. Slow so far, one first rack is all. Squirrels are all over on the move. Very little shooting and nothing even close. Fingers crossed for a doe, I'm hungry!
  24. Good day to be in your stand all day if you know every one will be pushing
  25. And just like that, switch flipped and deer all over
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